Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Figured It Out Yet?
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:20:44 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

School-Age Child Dies in First U.S. Measles Fatality in Years as West Texas Outbreak Grows

They are refusing to release any info about the child who died. Since they would be shouting it from the rooftops if it was a Mennonite child. I will take "an illegal for 1000", Alex.

Lot more children may pass before this outbreak over. All undocumented children should be mandated to take every single vaccine available

The US Government would never infringe on the rights of illegals, by forcing vaccinations. That is reserved for US citizens.

Just ship them the hell out pronto

As I recall, we were forced to get the Covid vaccine, but not the illegal border crosser. We have Biden to thank for that.

I was not forced to get any vaccine.
Tell me just HOW WOULD YOU FORCE illegal aliens who are not vetted, who no one know where they are, to do anything
If you have a complaint about Joe Biden, take it up with the WOKE LEFTIST DEMOCRATS at the polls like I did.

They know where the illegals are when they send their Medicaid cards, and when they add to their EBT cards.

Coerced. Is that any better? You would force illegals upon contact and as a condition for conditional release at the border. Use your imagination.

There is no such thing as illegals, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Your complaint is about Joe Biden.

No one was required to get the covid vaxx, however there was a price to pay if you didn't. Just deport those here illegally, cut off all funding without proof of citizenship and for children require 
DNA samples that can be sent to the country they are citizens of in order to locate family members and if need be help support orphanages in those foreign countries.

Wrong. Military personnel were ordered to get the shot or get out. United airlines made the shot mandatory. Do you ever do any research, or even think, before you post nonsense?

No one was required to get the covid vaxx, however there was a price to pay if you didn't. 
So for some, the price to pay was their job. The statement is correct.

Explain how an unvaccinated person is a threat to a vaccinated person. That was the rationale used to crush anyone who objected to the vaccine. Claims that nobody was forced comes off as 

Many were forced, and had no choice. Military member were faced with dishonorable discharges for not taking the vax. Some folks needed appendectomies, yet no admittance to the hospital with out a 
vax. ... ... ..the VAX was FORCED

Me or my family wasn't forced to get the death shot. We stood up and said ??! No matter the consequences. People need to stop saying "forced"! You just did what you were told.

Americans lost their jobs for refusing the Covid jab while unvaccinated illegal aliens strolled across the border.

No this is the stupidest comment of the year. How many illegals had any vaccine. They didn't want to kill the illegals. They needed their votes!

There is no such thing as "illegals"
They are Illegal aliens and as such you have no way to know ANYTHING about them
Your last sentence is meaningless

Uh you might be suffering from brain-fart clouding your memory of the FACT the government forced millions here in USA to take an unsafe FAKE ineffective Covid Vaccine or be FIRED!
The mandate forced the FIRING of millions.


Trump still winning after WINNING Presidency!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election.

Trump, 78, began his second term early this year.

Donald Trump was inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. 

A Second Trump Administration is STILL going!