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From: "Oleg Smirnov" <os333@netc.eu>
Newsgroups: alt.politics,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,talk.politics.misc,alt.russian.z1,can.politics
Subject: about destructive consequences
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:36:46 +0300
Organization: ...

On the notorious "minerals deal".

Given Zelensky is not a legitimate president - as well as the 
whole clique of his henchmen - the "deal" is based on quite a
shaky base.

Anyway it may - or may not - be somehow useful. At this stage,
Zelensky doesn't really give a shit about anything other than
his personal concerns, including "security guarantees". In the
current situation he is a de facto dictator, and he can take 
away or redistribute Ukraine-situated properties any way he 
pleases. He is afraid any "external" control over the regime's
budgets will shake his position where he retains full control.

> The Kiev-controlled territory has now become a kind of concentration
> camp. Adult men above 17 y/o cannot leave, even turning transgender
> doesn't help men. Certain kinds of women also can not.
> The recent Zelensky's statement that those who dislike something can
> change citizenship is a sadistic joke, because most of those who would
> dream to leave (and forget it like a nightmare) simply have no options
> to do so. Nobody wants to be drafted to the army, draft officers are
> literally hunting people, men are hiding. Corruption flourishes under
> these conditions. Unofficial price-list on how much one has to pay to
> avoid conscription is an open secret. The men caught by draft officers
> are then often beaten / tortured at the recruiting stations, sometimes
> up to death, and when some of such cases become public, it would be
> officially a suicide or a sudden heart attack etc. Regular populace
> increasingly hate the regime and Zelensky personally. However, there's
> no way to somehow protest. Regime critics are quickly labeled Russian
> spies and arrested, or simply disappear without a trace.
> Any independent media doesn't exist. After the new US administration
> stopped USAID, about 90% of Ukrainian outlets that previuously
> declared themselves "independent" had to admit they cannot continue to
> function as before. While dictator Zelensky, some "western" officials
> speak as if on behalf of "Ukrainian people", the populace residing in
> the Kiev-controlled territory have no way to express what they really
> want and think, both because of fear and because of censorship.
> It's clear that in this situiation the popular approval of the regime
> and Zelenky personally is very low. But the regime of course promotes
> (near-)official data painting a rozy picture, but that is a forgery.
> The regime has no way to survive, it will become uglier and worse with
> each passing day.
> The Atlanticist-backed violent 2014 coup in Kiev was under pro-western
> slogans, but it was in fact anti-democratic, so it naturally raised
> destructive extremist forces and led to destructive consequences.