Newsgroups: can.politics,,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,,alt.usenet.legends.lester-mosley
Subject: Re: Not Putin's Puppet
From: marika <>
Organization: Forte -
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 04:08:12 GMT
AlleyCat <> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Feb 2025 12:42:55 -0800, Alan says...
>> 'U.S. votes against U.N. resolution condemning Russia for Ukraine war'
>> <>
>> 'The United States voted with Russia, North Korea, Iran and 14 other
>> Moscow-friendly countries Monday against a resolution condemning Russian
>> aggression in Ukraine and calling for the return of Ukrainian territory.
>> The resolution passed overwhelmingly in the U.N. General Assembly.'
>> Still think he isn't working for Putin, folks?
> You have the transcripts to every conversation Trump and Putin have had? They ARE recorded.
> This has NOTHING to do with Putin/Trump, per se, other than the fact that
> Trump is trying to end the war and he kinda needs Putin to not be
> slighted in any way. Hey dumb ass... if we voted FOR the
> resolution, Putin won't stop the war. Part of stopping the war will be to
> allow Russia to have some of the territory they want or have conquered.
We are this close to dying
Expelling Canada from Five Eyes
michaeldweiss (@Michael Weiss) posted: Picking fights with allies who have
fought and died on our behalf, and rewarding revanchist dictatorships. A
true idiocracy deserving of isolation and defiance.
> Peace ALWAYS consists of compromises... right?
> Maybe the U.S. didn't vote yes, because they're still holding out for the
> "Critical Minerals and Rare-Earths Deal". If Ukraine gives up the rights
> to the "Critical and Rare-Earth Minerals", the U.S.
> may change their vote.
> If Ukraine won't compromise, how can we vote them? They NEED to pay us back!
> You REALLY think Putin's just gonna pull up stakes, go home and say "oh
> well... we gave it a try."
> Nope.
> Russia's gonna want something... so will Ukraine... so will we!
> It's Commies against Nazis.
> Why are "we" automatically on Ukraine's side? Because of Biden and all
> the money he and Hunter got from them?
> Ukraine is not as "innocent" as they're made out to be. The only "side"
> WE should be taking, is Trump's, if he can stop the war.
> Ukraine hasn't held election in 6 years. How Democratic is that? Trump
> wants to normalize relations with Russia. What's wrong with that? They
> might help us deal with China, who is our biggest threat,
> by far.
> Ending a war, is not as simple as a NATO vote. This is going to take MUCH
> more... including bartering.
> The world will not end, if Ukraine give up some territory.
> Let them keep fighting, but no more billions from us. Europe has a LOT
> more to lose than us, so let THEM give them money and F-16 simulators.
> LOL.
> ===============================================================================
> What Happens When You Ignore A Narcissist Like Alan "Ski Bunny" Baker and
> Why He Hates Being Ignored?
> The Connection Between Narcisism and Ego
> Narcissism is closely related to an inflated ego and an exaggerated sense
> of self-worth. Narcissists often have a grandiose view of their own
> abilities, and their need for admiration from others
> fuels their inflated sense of self.
> It is well-known that narcissists hate being ignored. But why do they
> detest it so much, and how do they react when faced with being
> disregarded? Navigating a relationship with a narcissist can be
> challenging, but understanding their behavior and how they respond to
> being ignored can be vital in maintaining your own boundaries and mental health.
> This article will discuss why narcissists have such a strong aversion to
> being ignored and the potential risks and benefits of utilizing this
> strategy in dealing with narcissistic individuals in your
> life.
> When they're being ignored, a narcissist's ego is threatened, undermining
> what's called their "narcissistic supply" - the attention and validation they crave.
> This can cause them great distress and lead to a variety of unpleasant reactions.
> Craving Admiration and Validation.
> Narcissists constantly seek admiration and validation from others to
> maintain their self-image. They need constant attention and reassurance
> of their worth, which is why they can't stand being
> ignored.
> When you don't give them the attention they want, they feel their sense
> of self slipping away. Ignoring a narcissist can be a powerful way to
> diminish their impact on your life and regain control
> over your own emotional well-being.
> The Threat on their Sense of Self.
> A narcissist's sense of self is intricately tied to how others perceive
> them. When they are being ignored, they feel as if they are losing
> control over their image and self-worth. This perceived loss
> is extremely distressing for the narcissist, as it threatens the very
> core of their identity. This is one of the main reasons why narcissists
> react so strongly to being ignored.
> Is Ignoring a Narcissist the Best Approach?
> Yes.
> Benefits of Ignoring the Narcissist
> Ignoring a narcissist can be an effective way to distance yourself from
> their manipulative behavior and regain control over your life.
> By not responding to their text messages, calls, or other attempts to
> gain your attention, you are asserting control over the relationship and
> potentially diminishing the narcissist's ability to
> manipulate you. This can lead to a sense of empowerment and personal
> growth. Potential Risks of Ignoring a Narcissist.
> While ignoring a narcissist may seem like a straightforward way to regain
> control, it is not without its potential risks.
> An ignored narcissist may feel threatened and become more aggressive or
> vengeful in an attempt to regain attention.
> This can result in escalating tensions and the potential for emotional or
> even physical harm. It's critical to weigh the potential benefits and
> drawbacks before deciding whether to ignore a
> narcissist in your life.
> Context Matters: When to Use This Strategy.
> The decision to ignore a narcissist should not be taken lightly, as each
> situation and individual is unique.
> In some cases, it may be the most effective way to regain control and
> distance yourself from their manipulation. In other cases, it could
> exacerbate the situation and put you at risk.
> Carefully consider the context and dynamics of your relationship with a
> narcissist before deciding if ignoring them is the best course of action.
> What Happens When You Start Ignoring a Narcissist!??
> Initial Attempts to Get You Back. PLEASE COME BACK!
> Narcissists cannot bear the thought of being disregarded, and once they
> realize you're ignoring them, they will likely ramp up their efforts to
> regain your attention.
> This may include text messages, phone calls, or showing up unannounced at
> your home or workplace. They may also try to reach out through mutual
> friends or family members, attempting to re-establish
> contact and regain their source of narcissistic supply.
> The Enraged Narcissist: Confrontations and Retaliation.
> If ignoring the narcissist does not bring about the desired response,
> they may become increasingly angry and confrontational.
> At this point, the narcissist will often engage in retaliatory and
> vindictive behavior, such as spreading lies, attempting to damage your
> reputation, or in extreme cases, behaving aggressively or
> violently.
> Long-Term Effects of Ignoring the Narcissist.
> Although the short-term effects of ignoring a narcissist can be
> challenging, the long-term effects may prove rewarding. Once a narcissist
> recognizes that their attempts to regain your attention are
> unsuccessful, they may eventually grow tired and move on, seeking validation elsewhere.
> However, this is not guaranteed and may greatly depend on the specific
> individual and circumstances.
> How Narcissists Try to Manipulate You When Ignored
> Hoovering: Sucking You Back In.
> When ignored, some narcissists will employ a tactic called "hoovering" to
> try to lure you back into their sphere of influence. This can involve
> sudden displays of affection, apologies, or promises to
> change - all aimed at sucking you back into the relationship and
> reestablishing their control over you.
> Triangulation: The Narcissist's Divide and Conquer Strategy.
> Another manipulative tactic narcissists use is triangulation, wherein
> they attempt to create tension and conflict between two or more people to
> suit their own agenda.
> When you ignore a narcissist, they may try to manipulate others against
> you or force you into situations where you must compete for their attention and validation.
> Flying Monkeys: Enlisting Others to Do Their Bidding.
> In an effort to regain control, a narcissist may enlist the help of
> others or "flying monkeys" to pressure you into engaging with them.
> This can manifest as friends, family, or coworkers relaying messages from
> the narcissist or pressuring you to 'make amends." It is important to
> stand firm in your boundaries and refuse to allow
> others to serve as conduits for the narcissist's manipulation.
> Will a Narcissist Leave You Alone If You Ignore Them?
> Context-Dependent: Varying Responses and Timelines.
> There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether a narcissist will leave
> you alone if you ignore them. The response and timeline can greatly vary
> depending on factors such as the narcissist's level of
> attachment, the balance of power in the relationship, and their access to
> alternative sources of narcissistic supply.
> Dealing with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
> If you're dealing with someone who has a diagnosed or suspected
> Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), it's important to remember that
> their reactions to being ignored may be more intense,
> unpredictable, and potentially dangerous. Seeking professional support
> and guidance in navigating these relationships can be essential for your
> own emotional and physical well-being.
> Maintaining Your Boundaries: Strategies for Continued Success.
> Ignored narcissists may persist in their attempts to regain control, but
> with determination and strong personal boundaries, it is possible to
> maintain your distance and protect yourself from their
> manipulation.
> Maintaining open communication with supportive friends and family,
> seeking professional help when needed, and developing your own
> self-awareness can ensure your continued success in navigating
> relationships with narcissistic individuals.
> Final Thought
> Narcissists hate being ignored due to their inflated egos and need for
> admiration. Ignoring them can be an effective way to distance yourself
> and regain control, but it may also provoke aggressive or
> vengeful behavior.
> The decision to ignore a narcissist should be based on context and the
> dynamics of the relationship. When ignoring a narcissist, be prepared for
> manipulative tactics, such as hoovering,
> triangulation, and flying monkeys.
> Responses to being ignored vary, and dealing with someone with
> Narcissistic Personality Disorder may require professional support.
> Maintain your boundaries and seek support to protect yourself from
> manipulation.
> If you have found your answer in this article then you may also find can
> narcissist every truly be happy.