Davin News Server

From: sql <sqlnovelty@guerillamail.org>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: 2020 Election Was Stolen And You Know It
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 09:40:53 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Report Title: Conspicuously Excessive Votes in Presidential Elections in
the United States of America in 2004CE and 2020CE

Location: preview of numerical analysis is in an excel file at 
https://jmp.sh/dzGgftFI, draft of a technical report is in a PDF file at 

Abstract: We examine national and state-specific voter count for excess, 
focusing on mid-mandate years, 2004CE and 2020CE, of the turbulent 
mandates (2000CE-2008CE, or Bush-I and Bush-II; and 2016CE-2024CE, or 
Trump-I and Biden). We define turbulent mandates using national voter 
count (Vt ) vs. census data (Ct ), during which ∆V /∆C = 1. We define 
excess operator Ê over a time-series of total national and state voters 
{Vi }i=0,1··· as negative of a symmetric second difference operator
Ei = ÊVi = Vi − 1 (Vi+1 +Vi−1 ) , where i is the index of the election 
year. Its positive values mean excessive votes, while negative values 
mean disinterested voters. For 2004CE and 2020CE we find national 
execess as 4M(illions of voters) and 13M. We find their census-corrected 
values as 5M and 11M, respectively. The excess analysis of the 2004CE 
election suggests two criteria for identifying outliers: 1., a threshold 
δV = 0.3 M; and 2., the excess has to flip the state election vote, |Ri 
− Di | < δV , where Vi = Di + Ri, are that state totals for the number 
of votes in that year for (R)epublicans and (D)emocrats. In 2004CE we 
identify two states as outliers: Ohio and Florida, which together 
accounted for 0.9M excessive votes. We refer to this behavior as 
anti-novelty: If excess were subtracted from the republican state winner 
vote count, the democrat candidate would have won the state.

The excess analysis of the 2020CE election using the same outlier 
threshold, identifies 13 outlier states. We show we can categorize them 
into three groups:
1., the battleground states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and 
Pennsylvania), which have a total excess of voters of 1.4M;
2., the apparently republican states (Florida,
North Carolina, and Texas), which have a total excess of voters of 2.4M; 
and 3., the single-majority states (R: Ohio; D: California, Illinois, 
New Jersey, New York, Washington), which have a total excess of voters 
of 5.6M. To the first group we refer to as novelty (if excess were 
subtracted from the democrat state winner vote count, the republican 
candidate would have won the state). The second group demonstrates 
anti-novelty. The states in the third group exhibit diffuse excess,
meaning that the excess is insufficient to change the outcome of the 
state election; rather, this excess only affects the popular vote count.

We interpret our findings using correlation between the outlier-states 
and the politics of the day. We remark, were these excesses random 
fluctuations in voter numbers and preferences, such a correlation would 
have been unremarkable in magnitude or in political orientation.
2004CE: We surmise that if there had been actual voter injection by 
republicans, in its absence the Democrat challenger, Kerry, would have 
won the presidential election against the incumbent Republican, Bush. We 
recall, at that time Bush needed election victory to continue and expand 
the war effort against Iraq.
2020CE: We surmise that in the 2020CE elections, the republicans 
injected votes in at least, apparently republican and battleground group 
of states. In the former, it was done to affirm increasingly right-wing 
leaders, DeSantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas. In the latter, the 
goal was to secure those states for Trump, but they ultimately failed. 
Without republican interference in the 2020CE elections Trump would have 
been defeated in a landslide, with a vote tally of 150 to 388 in favor
of Biden. This outcome would have effectively removed Trump from 
politics. Instead, the actions of republicans played out as a damage 
control in the apparently republican states, while in the battleground 
states they evolved into legal and illegal attacks on victorious 
democrat challenger, Biden, accusing him and the democrats
of election fraud. All these actions paved the way for Trump’s reprisal 
in 2024CE.

AlleyCat wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Feb 2025 16:52:37 -0800,  Alan says...
>> Doesn't sound like he's without bias, does it?
> Name ONE writer/journalist who is unbiased.
> Name ONE lie Corsi told.
> "Bias" does NOT equal "Lies", faggot.
> The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC are all biased.
> Do they lie because they're biased, or do they lies because they're liars?
> You HAVE your "single example of this 'expert' analysis", now shut the fuck up, or prove Corsi and/or pothead wrong.
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> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GjI35oYaQAA_gwR?format=jpg&name=360x360
> Where          were          all          the          Democrat          voters          this          time?
> The Math does look crazy... Nearly 20 million new people registered to vote, and we're down AT LEAST 18 million total votes from 2020? Where TF did
> those nearly 40 million voters go? They didn't vote 3rd party.
> Something doesn't seem right, record turnout but nearly 20 million less fewer votes? I need authorities to explain how that is possible.
> Democrats complaining that 20 million votes "went missing" from this election.
> Wait, she only got 60 million votes... Weird, almost like they cheated in 2020... So they lost 20 million Democrat votes?
> Not gonna lie. After being gaslit for 4 years over the 2020 election results, it's rather fun watching Democrats figure out the missing 20 million
> voters were actually 20 million fake mail-in ballots.
> 20,000,000 voters just disappeared...
> Nothing to see here...
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GbthkeiWAAAWSvt?format=png&name=medium
> =====
> Trump WINS!
> Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.
> Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.
> Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.
> Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
> A Second Trump Administration
> Message-ID: <MPG.4211271f68f645a598b431@news.eternal-september.org>