From: AlleyCat <>
Subject: Re: Trump Has A Sharpie, And Was EXACTLY Right About Hurricane Dorian
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 00:00:55 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:12:56 -0800, Alan says...
> > Why Trump was right, along with CNN:
> >
> >
> What date did CNN make that report.
Does not matter.
You still don't seem to get it.
WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARER if Dorian MIGHT hit Alabama and Mississippi.
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
And WHY did The NOAA confirm what Trump said?
This makes NO sense to argue.
What Trump did had no purpose, so WHY do you faggot finger-pointers keep saying he was wrong, when he clearly wasn't, if his aides were using the latest reports and THAT is what they gave Trump.
Also, the Sharpie provided NO "new" information, as all it was doing was extending the path already set by The NOAA. If Trump or his aides CHANGED the path, before The NOAA had, THEN, it would be a
story. But to simply extend the cone out a few more hours, did NOTHING to change anything.
Was the path SO much different when Trump made his, now infamous Sharpie cone?
HOW much different?
Was it SOOOO much different, that Alabama, Florida and Mississippi COMPLETELY out of danger?
Hell, fucking no.
*I* almost got hit by the same hurricane TWICE in one week, in 1987.
It came close enough to have to clear my beach twice of Hobies and all the chairs and umbrellas.
Hurricanes change paths. Trump was NOT wrong to say those states were still "in the path", because like MANY hurricanes, the paths could have changed.
> <>
> That was at 7:51 am.
Uhhh... that's not the same tweet as the one with the Sharpie.