From: AlleyCat <>
Subject: DNC = Deny Natural Collusion - Bill Clinton: Putin Is VERY Smart and Remarkable
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 19:13:30 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
On Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:47:26 +0000, Lee says...
> President Clinton turned the history of the Western world upside down.
Bill Clinton:
Mr. Putin has got, he got all, he's very smart.
Piers Morgan:
You know him better than most people.
Yes, I do.
What was he like behind closed doors away from, you know, the sort of the public utterances?
Smart and remarkably, we had a really good blunt relationship.
How blunt?
Brutally blunt, no, but I think, you know, I think the right strategy most of the time is, but it's frustrating to people in your line of work. You should be brutally honest with people in private
and then if you want them to help you try to avoid embarrassing them in public. Now sometimes they do things which make it impossible for you to keep quiet. But by and large, I found all the people I
dealt with appreciated it if I told them the truth. Did how I honestly felt and what our interests were and what our objectives were, and they also appreciated it when I didn't kick them around in
public for as long as I couldn't kick them around. So, you know, that's my experience.
Did Putin ever renege on a personal agreement he made to you?
He did not.
So behind closed doors he could be trusted.
He kept his word.
Sounds like a love affair and Clinton/Putin collusion.
Of course we ALL know about BOTH he and Hillary being Putin fans.