Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics
Subject: Re: I Told You Rich Kid - We Don't NEED Your Lumber
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 20:03:15 -0600
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Sat, 8 Mar 2025 11:55:25 -0800,  Alan says...  

> On 2025-03-07 21:31, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > President Trump: "What we're doing is freeing up our forests from the environmental nonsense that they put on them, where you can't cut down a tree."
> > 
> > "Canada has been ripping us off for years on tariffs for lumber!"
> > 
> > https://x.com/i/status/1898058946339897426

> Quick question:
> Who negotiated and signed the current trade deal between the US, Canada 
> and Mexico?

Quick question:
Who kept, for 4 years, the negotiated and signed current trade deal between 
the US, Canada and Mexico, which will no longer BE current, because it is 
outdated and needs to be amended?

Time to sign a different one.

I told you... We Don't NEED Your Lumber, rich boy.


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more 
important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the 
exclusion of others and take other people's successes as competition to their 
own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the 
limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in 
the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits 
comes from. An interesting paper in the January,2014 issue of Personality and 
Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between 
narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people 
to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys 
including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a 
ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people of increasing levels of 
income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong 
to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second 
measure was a questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with 
items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study 
found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES and the measure 
of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported 
their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale 
that asked people to rate the relative importance of themselves compared to 
others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of 
different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a 
circle representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their 
own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this 
measure relates to people's sense of entitlement. Finally, participants 
filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by 
parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between 
SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical tests suggested that the 
sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and 
high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. 
Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants 
care about their appearance. Toward the end of the study, participants were 
asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future 
study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in 
the mirror to fix their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left 
the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant 
looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror more often 
than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how 
much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals 
looked in the mirror more often than low-SES individuals. This difference was 
not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their 

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship 
between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's 
Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES. Then, participants either listed 
three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of 
equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control 
condition). Finally, participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive 
relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for 
the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and 
narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can 
increase their tendency to feel entitled. That sense of entitlement leads to 
greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the 
effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic 
status who have neither a sense of entitlement nor a tendency toward 
narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do 
have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to 
know that there are elements of a person's social situation that can make 
them more susceptible to being a narcissist.


Trump still winning after WINNING Presidency!

Donald Trump is STILL the 47th U.S. president.

A Second Trump Administration is STILL going!