From: AlleyCat <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,,,can.politics
Subject: "Why It's Hard To Take Democrats And Liberals Seriously on Russia and Communism"
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 22:40:29 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.
"Why It's Hard To Take Democrats And Liberals Seriously on Russia"
Democrats lack self-awareness as to their own record regarding Russia,
argues James Kirchick. This helps explain why conservatives have so much
trouble taking libral outrage about Russia seriously: Most of the people
lecturing them for being "Putin's pawns" spent the better part of the past
eight years blindly supporting a Democratic president, Barack Obama, whose
default mode with Moscow was fecklessness. This piece originally appeared on
Politico. You can read Kirchick's related piece-"How the GOP became the party
of Putin"-here.
Democrats are exasperated that Republicans don't share their outrage over
the ever-widening scandal surrounding Donald Trump and Russia. The
president's personal solicitousness toward Vladimir Putin, the alacrity of
his son in welcoming potential assistance from Russians during the 2016
campaign, and mounting questions as to whether Trump associates colluded with
Russia as part of its influence operation against Hillary Clinton are leading
Democrats to speak of impeachment and even treason.
As a longtime Russia hawk who has spent most of the past decade covering
Kremlin influence operations across the West, I share their exasperation.
Over the past year, I have authored pieces with headlines like "How Putin
plays Trump like a piano, " "How Trump got his party to love Russia, " and,
most recently in this space, "How the GOP became the party of Putin." As I
see it, conservatives" nonchalance about Russia's attempt to disrupt and
discredit our democracy ranks as one of the most appalling developments in
recent American political history.
But as much as Democrats may be correct in their diagnosis of Republican
debasement, they are wholly lacking in self-awareness as to their own record
regarding Russia. This helps explain why conservatives have so much trouble
taking liberal outrage about Russia seriously: Most of the people lecturing
them for being "Putin's pawns" spent the better part of the past eight years
blindly supporting a Democratic president, Barack Obama, whose default mode
with Moscow was fecklessness. To Republicans, these latter-day Democratic
Cold Warriors sound like partisan hysterics, a perception that's not entirely
Consider the latest installment of the unfolding Trump-Russia saga: Donald
Trump Jr.'s meeting last summer with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on
Clinton. Before inexplicably publicizing his own email correspondence, which
revealed him eager to accept information that would allegedly "incriminate"
his father's opponent, Trump Jr. claimed the confab concerned nothing more
salacious than the issue of "adoption." Democrats have rightly pointed out
that this was a ruse: When the Russian government or its agents talk about
international adoption, they're really talking about the Magnitsky Act, a
2012 measure sanctioning Russian human rights abusers named after a Russian
lawyer tortured to death after exposing a massive tax fraud scheme
perpetrated by government officials. The law's passage so infuriated Putin
that he capriciously and cruelly retaliated by banning American adoption of
Russian orphans. Five years after its enactment, the law continues to rankle
Russia's president. According to Trump himself, it was the ostensibly
innocuous issue of "adoption" that Putin raised with him during a previously
undisclosed dinner conversation at the G-20 summit in Hamburg earlier this
Yet for all the newfound righteous indignation in defense of the Magnitsky
Act being expressed by former Obama officials and supporters, it wasn't long
ago that they tried to prevent its passage, fearing the measure would hamper
their precious "reset" with Moscow. In 2012, as part of this effort, the
Obama administration lobbied for repeal of the Jackson-Vanik amendment, a
Cold War-era law tying enhanced trade relations with Russia to its human
rights record. Some voices on Capitol Hill proposed replacing Jackson-Vanik
with Magnitsky, a move the administration vociferously opposed. Shortly after
his appointment as ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul (today one of the
most widely cited critics on the subject of Trump and Russia) publicly stated
that the Magnitsky Act would be "redundant" and that the administration
specifically disagreed with its naming and shaming Russian human rights
abusers as well as its imposition of financial sanctions. McFaul even invoked
the beleaguered Russian opposition, which he said agreed with the
administration's position.
This was a mis-characterization of Russian civil society, the most prominent
leaders of which supported repeal of Jackson-Vanik only on the express
condition it be superseded by the Magnitsky Act. "Allowing [Jackson-Vanik] to
disappear with nothing in its place ... turns it into little more than a gift
to Mr. Putin, " Russian dissidents Garry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov wrote for
the Wall Street Journal days after McFaul's remarks. (Nemtsov, one of Putin's
loudest and most visible critics, was assassinated in 2015 just a few hundred
meters from the Kremlin walls). Anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny,
meanwhile, wrote that while he supported repealing Jackson-Vanik, "no doubt
the majority of Russian citizens will be happy to see the U.S. Senate deny
the most abusive and corrupt Russian officials the right of entry and
participation in financial transactions in the U.S., which is the essence of
the Magnitsky Bill."
Nevertheless, the Obama administration not only persisted in opposing
Magnitsky, but continued to claim that it had the support of the Russian
opposition in this endeavor. "Leaders of Russia's political opposition, "
then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in an op-ed for The Wall Street
Journal, "have called on the U.S. to terminate Jackson-Vanik, despite their
concerns about human rights and the Magnitsky case." Despite administration
protestations, Congress passed the Magnitsky Act and Obama reluctantly signed
it into law. Reflecting on the legislative battle two years later, Bill
Browder, the London-based investor for whom Magnitsky worked and the driving
force behind the bill, told Foreign Policy, 'The administration, starting
with Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry, did everything they could do to
stop the Magnitsky Act."
Today's liberal Russia hawks would have us believe that they've always been
clear-sighted about Kremlin perfidy and mischief. They're displaying amnesia
not just over a single law but the entire foreign policy record of the Obama
administration. From the reset, which it announced in early 2009 just months
after Russia invaded Georgia, to its removal of missile defense systems in
the Czech Republic and Poland later that year, to its ignoring Russia's
violations of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (while
simultaneously negotiating New START) and its ceding the ground in Syria to
Russian military intervention, the Obama administration's Russia policy was
one, protracted, eight-year-long concession to Moscow. Throughout his two
terms in office, Obama played down the threat Russia posed to America's
allies, interests and values, and ridiculed those who warned otherwise. 'The
traditional divisions between nations of the south and the north make no
sense in an interconnected world nor do alignments of nations rooted in the
cleavages of a long-gone Cold War, " Obama lectured the United Nations
General Assembly in 2009, a more florid and verbose way of making the exact
same criticism of supposed NATO obsolescence that liberals would later
excoriate Trump for bluntly declaring.
When it abandoned missile defense installations in Poland and the Czech
Republic that same year-announcing the decision on the anniversary of the
Soviet Union's invasion of Poland, no less-the Obama administration insisted
that the move wasn't about kowtowing to Moscow but rather more robustly
preparing for the looming Iranian threat. Notwithstanding the merits of that
argument, perception matters in foreign policy, and the perception in Central
and Eastern Europe was that America was abandoning its friends in order to
satiate an adversary. That characterizes the feelings of many American allies
during the Obama years, whether Israelis and Sunni Arabs upset about a
perceived tilt to Iran, or Japanese concerned about unwillingness to confront
a revisionist China. Liberals are absolutely right to criticize the Trump
administration for its alienation of allies. But they seem to have forgotten
the record of the man who served as president for the eight years prior.
Three years later, in the midst of what he thought was a private
conversation about arms control with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev,
Obama was famously caught on an open microphone promising that he would have
'more flexibility" (that is, be able to make even more concessions to Moscow)
after the presidential election that fall. (Imagine the uproar if Trump had a
similar hot mic moment with Putin.) Later that year, after Mitt Romney
suggested Russia was America's "No. 1 geopolitical foe, " Obama ridiculed his
Republican challenger. 'The 1980s are now calling and they want their foreign
policy back, " Obama retorted, in a line that has come back to haunt
Democrats. An entire procession of Democratic politicians, foreign policy
hands and sympathetic journalists followed Obama's lead and repeated the
critique. According to soon-to-be secretary of state John Kerry, Romney's
warning about Russia was a "preposterous notion." His predecessor Madeleine
Albright said Romney possessed "little understanding of what is actually
going on in the 21st century."
This wasn't merely a debate talking point. Downplaying both the nature and
degree of the Russian menace constituted a major component of mainstream
liberal foreign policy doctrine until about a year ago-that is, when it
became clear that Russia was intervening in the American presidential race
against a Democrat. It provided justification for Obama's humiliating
acceptance in 2013 of Russia's cynical offer to help remove Syrian chemical
weapons after he failed to endorse his own "red line" against their
deployment. Not only did that deal fail to ensure the complete removal of
Bashar Assad's stockpiles (as evidenced by the regime's repeated use of such
weapons long after they were supposedly eliminated), it essentially opened
the door to Russian military intervention two years later.
Even after Putin annexed Crimea in 2014, the first violent seizure of
territory on the European continent since World War II, Obama continued to
understate the severity of the Russian threat. Just a few weeks after the
annexation was formalized, asked by a reporter if Romney's 2012 statement had
been proven correct, Obama stubbornly dismissed Russia as "a regional power
that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors not out of strength but
out of weakness." Truly. Russia is such a "regional power" that it reached
across the Atlantic Ocean and intervened in the American presidential
election, carrying out what Democrats today rightly claim was the most
successful influence operation in history. "It is the hardest thing about my
entire time in government to defend, " a senior Obama official, speaking of
the administration's halfhearted response to Russia's intrusion, told the
Washington Post. "I feel like we sort of choked."
Yet rarely in the course of accusing Trump of being a Kremlin agent have
liberals-least of all the president they so admire-reflected upon their
hypocrisy and apologized to Romney, whose prescience about Russia, had he
been elected in 2012, may very well have dissuaded Putin from doing what he
did on Obama's watch. In Obama, Putin rightly saw a weak and indecisive
leader and wagered that applying the sort of tactics Russia uses in its post-
imperial backyard to America's democratic process would be worth the effort.
The most we've seen in the way of atonement are Clinton's former campaign
spokesman Brian Fallon admitting on Twitter, "We Dems erred in "12 by
mocking" Romney, and Obama speech-writer Jon Favreau sheepishly conceding,
with a chuckle, "we were a little off." If Obama feels any regret, maybe he's
saving it for the memoir.
But even if liberals do eventually show a modicum of humility and
acknowledge just how catastrophically wrong they were about Romney, this
would not sufficiently prove their seriousness about Russia. For their
current criticisms of the Trump administration to carry water, liberals will
have to do more than simply apologize for regurgitating Obama's insult that
Republicans are retrograde Cold Warriors. They will have to renounce pretty
much the entire Obama foreign policy legacy, which both underestimated and
appeased Russia at every turn. Otherwise, their grave intonations about
"active measures, " "kompromat" and other Soviet-era phenomena will continue
sounding opportunistic, and their protestations about Trump being a Russian
stooge will continue to have the appearance of being motivated solely by
partisan politics.
For now, the newfangled Democratic hawkishness on Russia seems motivated
almost entirely, if not solely, by anger over the (erroneous) belief that
Putin cost Clinton the election-not over the Kremlin's aggression toward its
neighbors, its intervention on behalf of Assad in Syria, its cheating on the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty, or countless other malfeasances.
Most Democrats were willing to let Russia get away with these things when
Obama was telling the world that "alignments of nations rooted in the
cleavages of a long-gone Cold War" are obsolete, or that Russia was a mere
"regional power" whose involvement in Syria would lead to another
Afghanistan, or when he was trying to win Russian help for his signal foreign
policy achievement, the Iran nuclear deal. If the Democrats" newfound
antagonism toward the Kremlin extended beyond mere partisanship, they would
have protested most of Obama's foreign policy, which acceded to Russian
prerogatives at nearly every turn. As the former George W. Bush speech-writer
Matt Latimer cleverly imagined in these pages, had Trump ran for president
and won with the assistance of Russia but as a Democrat instead of a
Republican, it's not difficult to imagine Democrats being just as cynical and
opportunistic in their dismissal of the Russia scandal as Republicans are
Democrats" lack of introspection about their past policy failures, along
with their amateurish, newfound zeal for opposing Russia, hurts the wider
effort to convince the American public that Russian meddling in our democracy
is a serious issue. The most credible voices in this discussion are those
genuinely knowledgeable about Russia's grand strategy to disrupt Western
democracy, of which the Trump case is but one element of a long-running
global campaign. Not coincidentally, these people have also been consistent
in their hawkishness across presidential administrations, as willing to
confront the Obama administration over its failures as they are today
lambasting Trump. Yet largely because of a media preference for
sensationalism, these nuanced voices are being drowned out in favor of
Democratic partisans and internet conspiracy theorists peddling wild
accusations of 'treason." Most liberals, to put it bluntly, are new to the
cause, and their obvious overcompensation and shrill rhetoric is degrading
our civic culture. "We were and are under attack by a hostile foreign power
and ... we should be debating how many sanctions we should place on Russia or
whether we should blow up the KGB, GSU [sic], or GRU, " Democratic factotum
Paul Begala recently blathered on CNN, referring to, successively, the
Soviet-era intelligence service, a non-existent agency, and Russian military
intelligence. On Twitter, MSNBC host Joy Reid recently opined, apropos of
nothing, that "Donald Trump married one American (his second wife) and two
women from what used to be Soviet Yugoslavia: Ivana-Slovakia, Melania-
Put aside the weird, inquisitorial implication that Trump, solely by virtue
of his having married two women from the former Eastern bloc, must therefore
be a Russian mole. Reid's assertion managed to fit three basic errors into a
single sentence: 1) Ivana Trump was born in the present-day Czech Republic,
not Slovakia 2) Slovakia, furthermore, was never part of Yugoslavia and 3)
Yugoslavia, though socialist, was never part of the Soviet Union and famously
resisted incorporation into the Warsaw Pact. This is what happens when
partisan Democrats who never expressed an iota of interest in Russia before
June 2016 try to impersonate Scoop Jackson: They end up sounding like a less
methodical Joe McCarthy.
Taken too far, liberals" Russia obsession could hurt them. Many Democrats
seem to genuinely believe that Putin is the only reason Clinton isn't
America's first female president. Seeing Russian meddling as the single or
most significant explanation for their electoral woes conveniently lets
Democrats ignore the many other factors-a lousy candidate, an uninspiring and
unconvincing platform, a left-wing identity politics that alienates many
Americans, just to name a few-that thwarted what ought to have been an easy
victory against the most toxic and unqualified individual ever to run for
president. While the American people certainly need to be better educated
about the breadth of Kremlin influence operations and the multifarious ways
Russia threatens the free world, a fixation on Russia to the exclusion of all
else will not win elections.
Hypocrisy is no stranger to politics, of course, and it's never too late for
people to come around to the realization that Russia poses a danger. But with
Democrats seriously talking about impeachment or even treason, a reckoning is
in order. Constantly harping on Trump's strange affinity for Putin and
suspicious connections to Russia isn't sufficient; the far more substantive
policy concessions made to Russia by the previous administration did at least
as much damage to American interests, if not more. Are liberals willing to
admit the reset was a giant miscalculation from the start? Are they willing
to support sending arms to Ukraine? To redeploy missile defense systems to
allies in Eastern Europe? Are they willing to concede that Obama's Syria
policy was an epic disaster that paved the way for Russia's reemergence as a
Middle Eastern military power? Are they, in other words, willing to renounce
the foreign policy legacy of one of their most popular leaders? Because only
that will demonstrate they're serious about confronting Russia. Anything
short reeks of partisanship.
Trump still winning after WINNING Presidency!
Donald Trump is STILL the 47th U.S. president.
A Second Trump Administration is STILL going!