Davin News Server

From: David Dalton <dalton@nfld.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.networks.cbc, alt.radio.networks.cbc, can.media.radio, soc.culture.canada, can.general, can.motss
Subject: Fence-jumping foursomes have gone all compatible
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 03:39:03 -0330
Organization: Eternal September

Here’s an excerpt from the thread
"Donald, Melania part of Vico foursome”
on alt.religion.druid :

Re Vico foursomes (foursomes of four four-spirit people) :

Those are not the same as fence-jumping foursomes,
so two gay-lesbian couples where really the two
gays are involved and the two lesbians are involved.
Those have become either
and are all one-spirit, and are in the Beothuk species,
not the Vico species. One example is Amanda Parris,
her husband Odario Williams, and their other two partners.
Amanda was lesbian and has gone straight-type-2-F.
Odario was gay and has gone bim.

This can also be confirmed by any assisted shaktipat
recipient including any bishop.

If my matchmaking ability is currently off and the species
split and sexual harmonics adjustment haven’t
worked yet, they probably will by Chinese New Year
or the Groundhog Day (the movie?) that follows it.

David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning; Gives the early signs of warning; You must
face alone the plans you make; Decisions they will try to break" (S. McL.)