Davin News Server

From: The Doctor <doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>
Newsgroups: can.arts.sf
Subject: stats 2024
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2025 02:50:15 -0700
Organization: NetKnow News

Group : can.arts.sf
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024

***** Users with most messages *****
 num| Name             | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | The Doctor       |    820 | 2,919,267 | 630 | 79.30% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Ubiquitous       |     49 |    97,335 |  24 |  4.74%
  3 | solar penguin    |     38 |    67,921 |   0 |  3.68%
  4 | Daniel70         |     15 |    30,763 |   0 |  1.45%
  5 | The Last Doctor  |     14 |    60,937 |   0 |  1.35%
  6 | The True Doctor  |     12 |    37,775 |   0 |  1.16%
  7 | %                |     11 |    37,146 |   0 |  1.06%
  8 | anim8rfsk        |      9 |    34,512 |   0 |  0.87%
  9 | Tim Merrigan     |      8 |    24,422 |   0 |  0.77%
 10 | Cryptoengineer   |      8 |    18,890 |   0 |  0.77%
 11 | David Dalton     |      7 |    18,139 |   3 |  0.68%
 12 | Kerr-Mudd, John  |      5 |    11,135 |   0 |  0.48%
 13 | Hornplayer9599   |      4 |     8,157 |   0 |  0.39%
 14 | Arthur Lipscomb  |      3 |    13,536 |   0 |  0.29%
 15 | Scott Dorsey     |      3 |     4,396 |   0 |  0.29%
 16 | Dorothy J Heydt  |      3 |     3,984 |   0 |  0.29%
 17 | Truthslave       |      2 |    15,852 |   0 |  0.19%
 18 | Pluted Pup       |      2 |    11,738 |   0 |  0.19%
 19 | BTR1701          |      2 |     3,852 |   0 |  0.19%
 20 | Kestral Gaian    |      2 |     3,615 |   0 |  0.19%
 21 | kazu             |      2 |     2,958 |   0 |  0.19%
 22 | Joe Pfeiffer     |      2 |     2,815 |   0 |  0.19%
 23 | cheesetray       |      2 |     2,509 |   0 |  0.19%
 24 | john             |      1 |     7,493 |   0 |  0.10%
 25 | Callum Williamsh |      1 |     3,036 |   0 |  0.10%
 26 | Dudley Brooks    |      1 |     2,415 |   0 |  0.10%
 27 | David LaRue      |      1 |     2,339 |   0 |  0.10%
 28 | Blueshirt        |      1 |     2,314 |   0 |  0.10%
 29 | Dr. Steven       |      1 |     2,004 |   0 |  0.10%
 30 | Jerry Brown      |      1 |     1,858 |   0 |  0.10%
 31 | BCFD 36          |      1 |     1,858 |   0 |  0.10%
 32 | trotsky          |      1 |     1,717 |   0 |  0.10%
 33 | Your Name        |      1 |     1,599 |   0 |  0.10%
 34 | Nikita Maxrood   |      1 |     1,270 |   0 |  0.10%

***** Users with most started threads *****
 num| Name             | or. | Nb Msg | size      | %
  1 | The Doctor       | 630 |    820 | 2,919,267 | 95.89% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Ubiquitous       |  24 |     49 |    97,335 |  3.65%
  3 | David Dalton     |   3 |      7 |    18,139 |  0.46%

***** Users with highest total size of messages *****
 num| Name             | size      | Nb Msg | or. | %
  1 | The Doctor       | 2,919,267 |    820 | 630 | 84.38% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Ubiquitous       |    97,335 |     49 |  24 |  2.81%
  3 | solar penguin    |    67,921 |     38 |   0 |  1.96%
  4 | The Last Doctor  |    60,937 |     14 |   0 |  1.76%
  5 | The True Doctor  |    37,775 |     12 |   0 |  1.09%
  6 | %                |    37,146 |     11 |   0 |  1.07%
  7 | anim8rfsk        |    34,512 |      9 |   0 |  1.00%
  8 | Daniel70         |    30,763 |     15 |   0 |  0.89%
  9 | Tim Merrigan     |    24,422 |      8 |   0 |  0.71%
 10 | Cryptoengineer   |    18,890 |      8 |   0 |  0.55%
 11 | David Dalton     |    18,139 |      7 |   3 |  0.52%
 12 | Truthslave       |    15,852 |      2 |   0 |  0.46%
 13 | Arthur Lipscomb  |    13,536 |      3 |   0 |  0.39%
 14 | Pluted Pup       |    11,738 |      2 |   0 |  0.34%
 15 | Kerr-Mudd, John  |    11,135 |      5 |   0 |  0.32%
 16 | Hornplayer9599   |     8,157 |      4 |   0 |  0.24%
 17 | john             |     7,493 |      1 |   0 |  0.22%
 18 | Scott Dorsey     |     4,396 |      3 |   0 |  0.13%
 19 | Dorothy J Heydt  |     3,984 |      3 |   0 |  0.12%
 20 | BTR1701          |     3,852 |      2 |   0 |  0.11%
 21 | Kestral Gaian    |     3,615 |      2 |   0 |  0.10%
 22 | Callum Williamsh |     3,036 |      1 |   0 |  0.09%
 23 | kazu             |     2,958 |      2 |   0 |  0.09%
 24 | Joe Pfeiffer     |     2,815 |      2 |   0 |  0.08%
 25 | cheesetray       |     2,509 |      2 |   0 |  0.07%
 26 | Dudley Brooks    |     2,415 |      1 |   0 |  0.07%
 27 | David LaRue      |     2,339 |      1 |   0 |  0.07%
 28 | Blueshirt        |     2,314 |      1 |   0 |  0.07%
 29 | Dr. Steven       |     2,004 |      1 |   0 |  0.06%
 30 | Jerry Brown      |     1,858 |      1 |   0 |  0.05%
 31 | BCFD 36          |     1,858 |      1 |   0 |  0.05%
 32 | trotsky          |     1,717 |      1 |   0 |  0.05%
 33 | Your Name        |     1,599 |      1 |   0 |  0.05%
 34 | Nikita Maxrood   |     1,270 |      1 |   0 |  0.04%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size   | or. | %
  1 | 5/21/2024  |     25 | 54,164 |   8 |  2.42% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | 6/9/2024   |     18 | 52,881 |   4 |  1.74% xxxxxxx
  3 | 6/18/2024  |     17 | 37,076 |   5 |  1.64% xxxxxx
  4 | 9/19/2024  |     17 | 39,411 |   2 |  1.64% xxxxxx
  5 | 5/28/2024  |     12 | 58,348 |   3 |  1.16% xxxx
  6 | 6/1/2024   |     11 | 60,670 |   4 |  1.06% xxxx
  7 | 2/26/2024  |     11 | 22,476 |   0 |  1.06% xxxx
  8 | 5/16/2024  |     10 | 36,766 |   2 |  0.97% xxxx
  9 | 5/12/2024  |     10 | 35,731 |   2 |  0.97% xxxx
 10 | 9/17/2024  |     10 | 30,634 |   2 |  0.97% xxxx
 11 | 10/19/2024 |     10 | 18,516 |   2 |  0.97% xxxx
 12 | 6/10/2024  |      9 | 31,506 |   3 |  0.87% xxx
 13 | 6/11/2024  |      9 | 22,894 |   3 |  0.87% xxx
 14 | 9/21/2024  |      9 | 32,820 |   2 |  0.87% xxx
 15 | 2/17/2024  |      9 | 25,843 |   1 |  0.87% xxx
 16 | 6/13/2024  |      8 | 23,346 |   5 |  0.77% xxx
 17 | 5/11/2024  |      8 | 21,353 |   4 |  0.77% xxx
 18 | 6/12/2024  |      8 | 17,246 |   4 |  0.77% xxx
 19 | 6/21/2024  |      8 | 17,534 |   3 |  0.77% xxx
 20 | 6/6/2024   |      8 | 37,937 |   2 |  0.77% xxx
 21 | 9/18/2024  |      8 | 21,538 |   2 |  0.77% xxx
 22 | 3/25/2024  |      8 | 16,312 |   2 |  0.77% xxx
 23 | 4/25/2024  |      7 | 13,516 |   4 |  0.68% xx
 24 | 5/25/2024  |      7 | 29,164 |   3 |  0.68% xx
 25 | 6/2/2024   |      7 | 25,038 |   2 |  0.68% xx
 26 | 9/20/2024  |      7 | 23,624 |   2 |  0.68% xx
 27 | 10/17/2024 |      7 | 14,907 |   2 |  0.68% xx
 28 | 2/22/2024  |      7 | 17,152 |   1 |  0.68% xx
 29 | 2/27/2024  |      7 | 14,885 |   1 |  0.68% xx
 30 | 5/18/2024  |      6 | 19,902 |   4 |  0.58% xx
 31 | 6/15/2024  |      6 | 36,909 |   3 |  0.58% xx
 32 | 5/19/2024  |      6 | 29,555 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 33 | 5/30/2024  |      6 | 18,838 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 34 | 8/13/2024  |      6 | 17,435 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 35 | 5/26/2024  |      6 | 15,570 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 36 | 7/25/2024  |      6 | 15,522 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 37 | 7/8/2024   |      6 | 13,102 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 38 | 10/21/2024 |      6 | 12,631 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 39 | 7/30/2024  |      6 | 12,522 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 40 | 10/22/2024 |      6 | 11,832 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 41 | 7/5/2024   |      6 | 10,073 |   2 |  0.58% xx
 42 | 12/26/2024 |      6 | 20,868 |   1 |  0.58% xx
 43 | 6/5/2024   |      5 | 19,691 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 44 | 5/23/2024  |      5 | 13,838 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 45 | 5/22/2024  |      5 | 13,335 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 46 | 10/16/2024 |      5 | 11,975 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 47 | 8/21/2024  |      5 |  9,544 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 48 | 9/3/2024   |      5 |  8,179 |   3 |  0.48% xx
 49 | 9/27/2024  |      5 | 15,680 |   2 |  0.48% xx
 50 | 9/28/2024  |      5 | 14,904 |   2 |  0.48% xx
 51 | 6/14/2024  |      5 | 13,347 |   2 |  0.48% xx
 52 | 7/7/2024   |      5 |  9,182 |   2 |  0.48% xx
 53 | 2/18/2024  |      5 | 43,998 |   1 |  0.48% xx
 54 | 3/3/2024   |      5 | 14,487 |   1 |  0.48% xx
 55 | 3/9/2024   |      5 | 13,567 |   1 |  0.48% xx
 56 | 5/20/2024  |      4 | 13,733 |   4 |  0.39% x
 57 | 7/1/2024   |      4 | 61,787 |   3 |  0.39% x
 58 | 6/22/2024  |      4 | 20,136 |   3 |  0.39% x
 59 | 4/10/2024  |      4 | 20,885 |   2 |  0.39% x
 60 | 4/9/2024   |      4 | 17,150 |   2 |  0.39% x
 61 | 12/27/2024 |      4 | 16,954 |   2 |  0.39% x
 62 | 9/16/2024  |      4 | 13,595 |   2 |  0.39% x
 63 | 8/10/2024  |      4 | 12,866 |   2 |  0.39% x
 64 | 8/11/2024  |      4 | 12,828 |   2 |  0.39% x
 65 | 6/16/2024  |      4 | 12,412 |   2 |  0.39% x
 66 | 7/11/2024  |      4 | 12,199 |   2 |  0.39% x
 67 | 5/4/2024   |      4 | 11,879 |   2 |  0.39% x
 68 | 5/15/2024  |      4 | 11,504 |   2 |  0.39% x
 69 | 8/9/2024   |      4 | 11,287 |   2 |  0.39% x
 70 | 7/26/2024  |      4 | 10,367 |   2 |  0.39% x
 71 | 6/25/2024  |      4 | 10,086 |   2 |  0.39% x
 72 | 8/22/2024  |      4 |  9,791 |   2 |  0.39% x
 73 | 10/20/2024 |      4 |  9,733 |   2 |  0.39% x
 74 | 8/30/2024  |      4 |  9,596 |   2 |  0.39% x
 75 | 9/11/2024  |      4 |  9,392 |   2 |  0.39% x
 76 | 8/28/2024  |      4 |  8,939 |   2 |  0.39% x
 77 | 11/23/2024 |      4 |  8,788 |   2 |  0.39% x
 78 | 8/31/2024  |      4 |  8,785 |   2 |  0.39% x
 79 | 2/21/2024  |      4 | 26,259 |   1 |  0.39% x
 80 | 3/11/2024  |      4 | 13,044 |   1 |  0.39% x
 81 | 2/25/2024  |      4 | 11,796 |   1 |  0.39% x
 82 | 1/17/2024  |      4 |  6,881 |   0 |  0.39% x
 83 | 4/1/2024   |      3 | 25,675 |   3 |  0.29% x
 84 | 10/1/2024  |      3 | 25,438 |   3 |  0.29% x
 85 | 8/1/2024   |      3 | 23,808 |   3 |  0.29% x
 86 | 9/1/2024   |      3 | 21,748 |   3 |  0.29% x
 87 | 5/1/2024   |      3 | 21,611 |   3 |  0.29% x
 88 | 11/1/2024  |      3 | 19,641 |   3 |  0.29% x
 89 | 12/1/2024  |      3 | 17,432 |   3 |  0.29% x
 90 | 6/8/2024   |      3 | 13,099 |   3 |  0.29% x
 91 | 7/31/2024  |      3 | 11,949 |   3 |  0.29% x
 92 | 7/21/2024  |      3 | 11,821 |   3 |  0.29% x
 93 | 8/3/2024   |      3 |  9,910 |   3 |  0.29% x
 94 | 8/6/2024   |      3 |  9,615 |   3 |  0.29% x
 95 | 10/6/2024  |      3 |  8,985 |   3 |  0.29% x
 96 | 12/16/2024 |      3 |  8,658 |   3 |  0.29% x
 97 | 5/3/2024   |      3 |  8,434 |   3 |  0.29% x
 98 | 12/12/2024 |      3 |  8,418 |   3 |  0.29% x
 99 | 6/28/2024  |      3 |  7,721 |   3 |  0.29% x
100 | 4/8/2024   |      3 |  7,531 |   3 |  0.29% x
101 | 12/10/2024 |      3 |  7,466 |   3 |  0.29% x
102 | 9/7/2024   |      3 |  6,125 |   3 |  0.29% x
103 | 9/23/2024  |      3 | 12,361 |   2 |  0.29% x
104 | 12/31/2024 |      3 |  9,222 |   2 |  0.29% x
105 | 9/8/2024   |      3 |  9,202 |   2 |  0.29% x
106 | 7/2/2024   |      3 |  7,261 |   2 |  0.29% x
107 | 11/30/2024 |      3 |  6,282 |   2 |  0.29% x
108 | 11/29/2024 |      3 |  5,963 |   2 |  0.29% x
109 | 7/6/2024   |      3 |  5,644 |   2 |  0.29% x
110 | 2/24/2024  |      3 | 20,172 |   1 |  0.29% x
111 | 2/20/2024  |      3 | 13,170 |   1 |  0.29% x
112 | 3/12/2024  |      3 | 11,020 |   1 |  0.29% x
113 | 3/4/2024   |      3 |  8,931 |   1 |  0.29% x
114 | 6/4/2024   |      3 |  7,919 |   1 |  0.29% x
115 | 3/2/2024   |      3 |  7,615 |   1 |  0.29% x
116 | 3/13/2024  |      3 |  6,781 |   1 |  0.29% x
117 | 2/15/2024  |      3 |  4,544 |   1 |  0.29% x
118 | 1/1/2024   |      2 | 47,078 |   2 |  0.19%
119 | 3/1/2024   |      2 | 16,894 |   2 |  0.19%
120 | 10/3/2024  |      2 | 11,315 |   2 |  0.19%
121 | 9/14/2024  |      2 | 11,125 |   2 |  0.19%
122 | 9/13/2024  |      2 | 10,615 |   2 |  0.19%
123 | 9/15/2024  |      2 | 10,530 |   2 |  0.19%
124 | 6/20/2024  |      2 | 10,501 |   2 |  0.19%
125 | 10/2/2024  |      2 | 10,409 |   2 |  0.19%
126 | 9/12/2024  |      2 | 10,168 |   2 |  0.19%
127 | 9/30/2024  |      2 |  9,832 |   2 |  0.19%
128 | 7/22/2024  |      2 |  9,750 |   2 |  0.19%
129 | 9/22/2024  |      2 |  9,606 |   2 |  0.19%
130 | 8/12/2024  |      2 |  9,564 |   2 |  0.19%
131 | 7/29/2024  |      2 |  9,524 |   2 |  0.19%
132 | 7/23/2024  |      2 |  9,482 |   2 |  0.19%
133 | 7/24/2024  |      2 |  9,330 |   2 |  0.19%
134 | 9/25/2024  |      2 |  9,277 |   2 |  0.19%
135 | 7/19/2024  |      2 |  9,235 |   2 |  0.19%
136 | 5/31/2024  |      2 |  9,158 |   2 |  0.19%
137 | 6/17/2024  |      2 |  9,131 |   2 |  0.19%
138 | 9/24/2024  |      2 |  9,019 |   2 |  0.19%
139 | 9/29/2024  |      2 |  8,953 |   2 |  0.19%
140 | 4/12/2024  |      2 |  8,936 |   2 |  0.19%
141 | 7/10/2024  |      2 |  8,844 |   2 |  0.19%
142 | 8/8/2024   |      2 |  8,739 |   2 |  0.19%
143 | 4/16/2024  |      2 |  8,707 |   2 |  0.19%
144 | 9/26/2024  |      2 |  8,697 |   2 |  0.19%
145 | 7/12/2024  |      2 |  8,670 |   2 |  0.19%
146 | 6/3/2024   |      2 |  8,652 |   2 |  0.19%
147 | 8/2/2024   |      2 |  8,540 |   2 |  0.19%
148 | 6/19/2024  |      2 |  8,525 |   2 |  0.19%
149 | 5/27/2024  |      2 |  8,508 |   2 |  0.19%
150 | 4/11/2024  |      2 |  8,448 |   2 |  0.19%
151 | 5/17/2024  |      2 |  8,432 |   2 |  0.19%
152 | 12/18/2024 |      2 |  8,251 |   2 |  0.19%
153 | 7/13/2024  |      2 |  8,229 |   2 |  0.19%
154 | 4/26/2024  |      2 |  8,198 |   2 |  0.19%
155 | 8/4/2024   |      2 |  8,193 |   2 |  0.19%
156 | 10/4/2024  |      2 |  8,133 |   2 |  0.19%
157 | 5/13/2024  |      2 |  8,085 |   2 |  0.19%
158 | 10/5/2024  |      2 |  8,058 |   2 |  0.19%
159 | 5/24/2024  |      2 |  8,039 |   2 |  0.19%
160 | 5/29/2024  |      2 |  7,985 |   2 |  0.19%
161 | 6/23/2024  |      2 |  7,880 |   2 |  0.19%
162 | 10/7/2024  |      2 |  7,876 |   2 |  0.19%
163 | 7/20/2024  |      2 |  7,820 |   2 |  0.19%
164 | 12/30/2024 |      2 |  7,817 |   2 |  0.19%
165 | 6/24/2024  |      2 |  7,802 |   2 |  0.19%
166 | 12/14/2024 |      2 |  7,770 |   2 |  0.19%
167 | 12/29/2024 |      2 |  7,717 |   2 |  0.19%
168 | 5/14/2024  |      2 |  7,695 |   2 |  0.19%
169 | 4/6/2024   |      2 |  7,661 |   2 |  0.19%
170 | 5/10/2024  |      2 |  7,660 |   2 |  0.19%
171 | 12/15/2024 |      2 |  7,628 |   2 |  0.19%
172 | 4/13/2024  |      2 |  7,617 |   2 |  0.19%
173 | 5/2/2024   |      2 |  7,616 |   2 |  0.19%
174 | 12/28/2024 |      2 |  7,612 |   2 |  0.19%
175 | 10/8/2024  |      2 |  7,590 |   2 |  0.19%
176 | 4/22/2024  |      2 |  7,547 |   2 |  0.19%
177 | 5/8/2024   |      2 |  7,485 |   2 |  0.19%
178 | 4/21/2024  |      2 |  7,477 |   2 |  0.19%
179 | 5/9/2024   |      2 |  7,460 |   2 |  0.19%
180 | 8/7/2024   |      2 |  7,446 |   2 |  0.19%
181 | 4/18/2024  |      2 |  7,411 |   2 |  0.19%
182 | 2/23/2024  |      2 |  7,398 |   2 |  0.19%
183 | 12/11/2024 |      2 |  7,376 |   2 |  0.19%
184 | 7/28/2024  |      2 |  7,376 |   2 |  0.19%
185 | 10/10/2024 |      2 |  7,366 |   2 |  0.19%
186 | 7/27/2024  |      2 |  7,363 |   2 |  0.19%
187 | 5/6/2024   |      2 |  7,306 |   2 |  0.19%
188 | 10/12/2024 |      2 |  7,295 |   2 |  0.19%
189 | 4/20/2024  |      2 |  7,292 |   2 |  0.19%
190 | 4/30/2024  |      2 |  7,288 |   2 |  0.19%
191 | 4/19/2024  |      2 |  7,272 |   2 |  0.19%
192 | 10/11/2024 |      2 |  7,255 |   2 |  0.19%
193 | 10/9/2024  |      2 |  7,244 |   2 |  0.19%
194 | 4/27/2024  |      2 |  7,228 |   2 |  0.19%
195 | 4/15/2024  |      2 |  7,216 |   2 |  0.19%
196 | 5/7/2024   |      2 |  7,194 |   2 |  0.19%
197 | 4/23/2024  |      2 |  7,138 |   2 |  0.19%
198 | 6/7/2024   |      2 |  7,128 |   2 |  0.19%
199 | 3/31/2024  |      2 |  7,111 |   2 |  0.19%
200 | 5/5/2024   |      2 |  7,100 |   2 |  0.19%
201 | 7/9/2024   |      2 |  7,075 |   2 |  0.19%
202 | 12/13/2024 |      2 |  7,063 |   2 |  0.19%
203 | 12/17/2024 |      2 |  7,041 |   2 |  0.19%
204 | 4/17/2024  |      2 |  6,996 |   2 |  0.19%
205 | 10/14/2024 |      2 |  6,960 |   2 |  0.19%
206 | 6/26/2024  |      2 |  6,916 |   2 |  0.19%
207 | 8/5/2024   |      2 |  6,891 |   2 |  0.19%
208 | 12/20/2024 |      2 |  6,854 |   2 |  0.19%
209 | 3/29/2024  |      2 |  6,754 |   2 |  0.19%
210 | 4/28/2024  |      2 |  6,744 |   2 |  0.19%
211 | 3/28/2024  |      2 |  6,694 |   2 |  0.19%
212 | 3/30/2024  |      2 |  6,691 |   2 |  0.19%
213 | 4/29/2024  |      2 |  6,688 |   2 |  0.19%
214 | 6/29/2024  |      2 |  6,679 |   2 |  0.19%
215 | 3/23/2024  |      2 |  6,661 |   2 |  0.19%
216 | 10/18/2024 |      2 |  6,578 |   2 |  0.19%
217 | 4/5/2024   |      2 |  6,575 |   2 |  0.19%
218 | 10/13/2024 |      2 |  6,573 |   2 |  0.19%
219 | 10/15/2024 |      2 |  6,572 |   2 |  0.19%
220 | 6/30/2024  |      2 |  6,564 |   2 |  0.19%
221 | 12/23/2024 |      2 |  6,501 |   2 |  0.19%
222 | 4/3/2024   |      2 |  6,485 |   2 |  0.19%
223 | 8/14/2024  |      2 |  6,463 |   2 |  0.19%
224 | 12/21/2024 |      2 |  6,371 |   2 |  0.19%
225 | 4/2/2024   |      2 |  6,307 |   2 |  0.19%
226 | 3/27/2024  |      2 |  6,171 |   2 |  0.19%
227 | 8/20/2024  |      2 |  6,148 |   2 |  0.19%
228 | 12/24/2024 |      2 |  6,120 |   2 |  0.19%
229 | 8/24/2024  |      2 |  6,114 |   2 |  0.19%
230 | 9/5/2024   |      2 |  6,094 |   2 |  0.19%
231 | 9/2/2024   |      2 |  6,071 |   2 |  0.19%
232 | 4/7/2024   |      2 |  6,061 |   2 |  0.19%
233 | 3/22/2024  |      2 |  6,022 |   2 |  0.19%
234 | 3/24/2024  |      2 |  6,017 |   2 |  0.19%
235 | 8/16/2024  |      2 |  5,966 |   2 |  0.19%
236 | 8/25/2024  |      2 |  5,944 |   2 |  0.19%
237 | 9/4/2024   |      2 |  5,910 |   2 |  0.19%
238 | 3/26/2024  |      2 |  5,811 |   2 |  0.19%
239 | 8/26/2024  |      2 |  5,806 |   2 |  0.19%
240 | 8/29/2024  |      2 |  5,767 |   2 |  0.19%
241 | 12/9/2024  |      2 |  5,754 |   2 |  0.19%
242 | 8/27/2024  |      2 |  5,746 |   2 |  0.19%
243 | 8/19/2024  |      2 |  5,735 |   2 |  0.19%
244 | 8/18/2024  |      2 |  5,624 |   2 |  0.19%
245 | 12/19/2024 |      2 |  5,620 |   2 |  0.19%
246 | 8/15/2024  |      2 |  5,532 |   2 |  0.19%
247 | 6/27/2024  |      2 |  5,441 |   2 |  0.19%
248 | 12/8/2024  |      2 |  5,377 |   2 |  0.19%
249 | 12/5/2024  |      2 |  5,366 |   2 |  0.19%
250 | 8/17/2024  |      2 |  5,337 |   2 |  0.19%
251 | 9/6/2024   |      2 |  5,308 |   2 |  0.19%
252 | 12/7/2024  |      2 |  5,232 |   2 |  0.19%
253 | 11/7/2024  |      2 |  5,106 |   2 |  0.19%
254 | 8/23/2024  |      2 |  4,996 |   2 |  0.19%
255 | 3/15/2024  |      2 |  4,952 |   2 |  0.19%
256 | 9/10/2024  |      2 |  4,950 |   2 |  0.19%
257 | 12/6/2024  |      2 |  4,871 |   2 |  0.19%
258 | 11/8/2024  |      2 |  4,865 |   2 |  0.19%
259 | 10/24/2024 |      2 |  4,858 |   2 |  0.19%
260 | 10/23/2024 |      2 |  4,839 |   2 |  0.19%
261 | 11/9/2024  |      2 |  4,836 |   2 |  0.19%
262 | 11/6/2024  |      2 |  4,829 |   2 |  0.19%
263 | 11/10/2024 |      2 |  4,744 |   2 |  0.19%
264 | 10/25/2024 |      2 |  4,720 |   2 |  0.19%
265 | 10/27/2024 |      2 |  4,711 |   2 |  0.19%
266 | 10/31/2024 |      2 |  4,693 |   2 |  0.19%
267 | 11/4/2024  |      2 |  4,690 |   2 |  0.19%
268 | 11/11/2024 |      2 |  4,683 |   2 |  0.19%
269 | 10/26/2024 |      2 |  4,661 |   2 |  0.19%
270 | 11/24/2024 |      2 |  4,661 |   2 |  0.19%
271 | 11/2/2024  |      2 |  4,640 |   2 |  0.19%
272 | 11/12/2024 |      2 |  4,581 |   2 |  0.19%
273 | 10/30/2024 |      2 |  4,567 |   2 |  0.19%
274 | 7/3/2024   |      2 |  4,552 |   2 |  0.19%
275 | 11/5/2024  |      2 |  4,449 |   2 |  0.19%
276 | 11/25/2024 |      2 |  4,428 |   2 |  0.19%
277 | 7/4/2024   |      2 |  4,295 |   2 |  0.19%
278 | 11/13/2024 |      2 |  4,125 |   2 |  0.19%
279 | 12/3/2024  |      2 |  3,918 |   2 |  0.19%
280 | 11/28/2024 |      2 |  3,900 |   2 |  0.19%
281 | 11/16/2024 |      2 |  3,878 |   2 |  0.19%
282 | 11/15/2024 |      2 |  3,860 |   2 |  0.19%
283 | 11/22/2024 |      2 |  3,850 |   2 |  0.19%
284 | 11/26/2024 |      2 |  3,797 |   2 |  0.19%
285 | 12/4/2024  |      2 |  3,753 |   2 |  0.19%
286 | 11/3/2024  |      2 |  3,719 |   2 |  0.19%
287 | 12/2/2024  |      2 |  3,717 |   2 |  0.19%
288 | 11/18/2024 |      2 |  3,712 |   2 |  0.19%
289 | 11/20/2024 |      2 |  3,692 |   2 |  0.19%
290 | 11/17/2024 |      2 |  3,637 |   2 |  0.19%
291 | 11/19/2024 |      2 |  3,519 |   2 |  0.19%
292 | 9/9/2024   |      2 |  3,414 |   2 |  0.19%
293 | 11/14/2024 |      2 |  2,730 |   2 |  0.19%
294 | 10/29/2024 |      2 |  2,538 |   2 |  0.19%
295 | 3/18/2024  |      2 |  5,570 |   1 |  0.19%
296 | 2/1/2024   |      1 |  6,358 |   1 |  0.10%
297 | 7/16/2024  |      1 |  6,023 |   1 |  0.10%
298 | 7/14/2024  |      1 |  6,004 |   1 |  0.10%
299 | 7/15/2024  |      1 |  5,916 |   1 |  0.10%
300 | 2/16/2024  |      1 |  5,495 |   1 |  0.10%
301 | 2/19/2024  |      1 |  5,151 |   1 |  0.10%
302 | 7/18/2024  |      1 |  4,991 |   1 |  0.10%
303 | 3/5/2024   |      1 |  4,607 |   1 |  0.10%
304 | 4/24/2024  |      1 |  4,587 |   1 |  0.10%
305 | 4/14/2024  |      1 |  4,518 |   1 |  0.10%
306 | 3/8/2024   |      1 |  4,489 |   1 |  0.10%
307 | 2/29/2024  |      1 |  4,406 |   1 |  0.10%
308 | 3/7/2024   |      1 |  4,390 |   1 |  0.10%
309 | 3/6/2024   |      1 |  4,371 |   1 |  0.10%
310 | 7/17/2024  |      1 |  4,299 |   1 |  0.10%
311 | 3/10/2024  |      1 |  4,279 |   1 |  0.10%
312 | 12/25/2024 |      1 |  4,025 |   1 |  0.10%
313 | 3/14/2024  |      1 |  3,915 |   1 |  0.10%
314 | 3/17/2024  |      1 |  3,821 |   1 |  0.10%
315 | 3/20/2024  |      1 |  3,764 |   1 |  0.10%
316 | 3/21/2024  |      1 |  3,373 |   1 |  0.10%
317 | 12/22/2024 |      1 |  3,206 |   1 |  0.10%
318 | 4/4/2024   |      1 |  3,178 |   1 |  0.10%
319 | 3/19/2024  |      1 |  3,157 |   1 |  0.10%
320 | 3/16/2024  |      1 |  2,929 |   1 |  0.10%
321 | 2/2/2024   |      1 |  2,447 |   1 |  0.10%
322 | 11/27/2024 |      1 |  2,209 |   1 |  0.10%
323 | 1/14/2024  |      1 |  1,674 |   1 |  0.10%
324 | 11/21/2024 |      1 |  1,605 |   1 |  0.10%
325 | 10/28/2024 |      1 |  1,558 |   1 |  0.10%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size    | or. | %
  1 | Tuesday    |    184 | 542,788 | 100 | 17.79% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Saturday   |    164 | 564,048 |  99 | 15.86% xxxxxxxx
  3 | Thursday   |    158 | 496,894 |  91 | 15.28% xxxxxxxx
  4 | Sunday     |    147 | 525,848 |  91 | 14.22% xxxxxxx
  5 | Monday     |    134 | 520,275 |  93 | 12.96% xxxxxxx
  6 | Friday     |    124 | 407,449 |  95 | 11.99% xxxxxx
  7 | Wednesday  |    123 | 402,255 |  88 | 11.90% xxxxxx

***** Subjects with most answers *****
 num| Subject                                                           
               | Nb Msg | size    | or. | %
  1 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Ghostlight                     
               |     38 |  88,480 |   1 |  3.68% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Doctor Who 73 yards review with spoilers                          
               |     17 | 101,917 |   1 |  1.64% xxxx
  3 | Doctor Who Just Replaced Captain Jack Harkness In The Most 
Perfect Way           |     16 |  52,502 |   1 |  1.55% xxxx
  4 | Dr. Who Review | Season 14 Premiere "Space Babies" is So DAMN 
AWFUL It Nearl ... |     14 |  29,060 |   1 |  1.35% xxx
  5 | Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers                      
               |     13 |  40,176 |   1 |  1.26% xxx
  6 | Doctor Who Review The Doctor Cries And *Kills Again* - Season 1 
Episode 7:       |     12 |  22,997 |   1 |  1.16% xxx
  7 | Doctor Who Dot and Bubble review with spoilers                    
               |     11 |  45,328 |   1 |  1.06% xx
  8 | Why Doctor Who should have never been cancelled in 1989           
               |     11 |  44,566 |   1 |  1.06% xx
  9 | ChatGPT commentson why Patrick Troughton is memorable is Doctor 
Who              |     10 |  24,903 |   1 |  0.97% xx
 10 | ChatGPT on AI in Doctor Who                                       
               |      9 |  33,917 |   1 |  0.87% xx
 11 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Ice Warriors                 
               |      9 |  33,508 |   1 |  0.87% xx
 12 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Logopolis                            
               |      9 |  17,065 |   1 |  0.87% xx
 13 | Conform!                                                          
               |      9 |  14,803 |   1 |  0.87% xx
 14 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Shakespeare Code           
               |      9 |  14,606 |   1 |  0.87% xx
 15 | Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers                      
               |      7 |  27,603 |   1 |  0.68% x
 16 | Doctor Who - joy to the World - review with Spoilers              
               |      7 |  22,348 |   1 |  0.68% x
 17 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who: the Daleks                            
               |      7 |  18,814 |   1 |  0.68% x
 18 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - human Nature (10th Doctor)           
               |      7 |  18,236 |   1 |  0.68% x
 19 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Galaxy 4                             
               |      7 |  13,639 |   1 |  0.68% x
 20 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Kinda                          
               |      7 |  11,905 |   1 |  0.68% x
 21 | OT: sudden evolution                                              
               |      6 |  17,934 |   1 |  0.58% x
 22 | [Overlord DVD] Doctor Who RENEWED For Series 3 Ncuti Gatwa Claims | 
BBC DENI ... |      6 |  11,180 |   1 |  0.58% x
 23 | The Acolyte Episode 3: Commie, Space Witch, Lesbians Make 
Children with The  ... |      6 |  11,104 |   1 |  0.58% x
 24 | REtcon the Timeless Child from Doctor Who as argued by ChatGPT    
               |      5 |  30,801 |   1 |  0.48% x
 25 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Underwater Menace                
               |      5 |  26,115 |   1 |  0.48% x
 26 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Curse of Fenric                
               |      5 |  15,532 |   1 |  0.48% x
 27 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death adn 
bottles it       |      5 |  14,715 |   1 |  0.48% x
 28 | The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT                       
               |      5 |  14,442 |   1 |  0.48% x
 29 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Twin Dilemma                       
               |      5 |  13,326 |   1 |  0.48% x
 30 | Googl Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Time Flight                     
               |      5 |  10,723 |   1 |  0.48% x
 31 | According to ChatGPT why Adric is loathe                          
               |      5 |  10,657 |   1 |  0.48% x
 32 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - End of Time Part 2                   
               |      5 |   9,622 |   1 |  0.48% x
 33 | Google Gemni reviews Doctor Who - Warriors of the Deep            
               |      5 |   9,529 |   1 |  0.48% x
 34 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Castrovalva                          
               |      5 |   8,134 |   1 |  0.48% x
 35 | Doctor Who The legend of Ruby Sunday, review with spoilers        
               |      4 |  27,931 |   1 |  0.39% x
 36 | The Purpose of the Daleks by ChatGPT                              
               |      4 |  26,259 |   1 |  0.39% x
 37 | Doctor Who "The Devils Chord" Review | This is One of the WORST 
THINGS I Hav ... |      4 |  10,176 |   1 |  0.39% x
 38 | EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Ratings on Disney Plus LEAKED? | My 
Hollywood Spy Expo ... |      4 |   8,533 |   1 |  0.39% x
 39 | The Acolyte Episode 3 Review | A Sickening DISGRACE That 
INFURIATED Me | Star    |      4 |   8,387 |   1 |  0.39% x
 40 | Doctor Who Review BURNS Legacy Ncuti Gatwa BOMBS Season 1, Ep 1   
               |      4 |   7,883 |   1 |  0.39% x
 41 | Doctor Who Review Worst EVER Doctor Kills Ruby (Disparu)          
               |      4 |   7,526 |   1 |  0.39% x
 42 | The greatest Doctor Who cliffhanger of all time                   
               |      4 |   5,325 |   1 |  0.39% x
 43 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Face the Raven                       
               |      3 |  14,330 |   1 |  0.29%
 44 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who the Invisible Enemy                    
               |      3 |  11,274 |   1 |  0.29%
 45 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Army of Ghosts                       
               |      3 |  11,083 |   1 |  0.29%
 46 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who the Sun Makers                         
               |      3 |  10,328 |   1 |  0.29%
 47 | ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and 
rates out of 10    |      3 |   9,311 |   1 |  0.29%
 48 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who State of Decay                         
               |      3 |   8,544 |   1 |  0.29%
 49 | ChatGPT Review the concept of the Time War in Doctor Who          
               |      3 |   8,279 |   1 |  0.29%
 50 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster               
               |      3 |   8,028 |   1 |  0.29%
 51 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The Colony in Space               
               |      3 |   7,919 |   1 |  0.29%
 52 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Mind of Evil                 
               |      3 |   7,650 |   1 |  0.29%
 53 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child                    
               |      3 |   7,615 |   1 |  0.29%
 54 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Green Death                      
               |      3 |   7,406 |   1 |  0.29%
 55 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of the Daleks       
               |      3 |   7,387 |   1 |  0.29%
 56 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Warrior               
               |      3 |   7,360 |   1 |  0.29%
 57 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Evolution of the Daleks        
               |      3 |   7,250 |   1 |  0.29%
 58 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - horns of the Nimon                   
               |      3 |   6,972 |   1 |  0.29%
 59 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - MArk of the Rani               
               |      3 |   6,845 |   1 |  0.29%
 60 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Horns of the Nimon               
               |      3 |   6,570 |   1 |  0.29%
 61 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Waters of Mars                       
               |      3 |   6,398 |   1 |  0.29%
 62 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Underworld                       
               |      3 |   6,393 |   1 |  0.29%
 63 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Attack ofthe Cybermen          
               |      3 |   6,130 |   1 |  0.29%
 64 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The 2 Doctors                  
               |      3 |   6,100 |   1 |  0.29%
 65 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Age of Steel                         
               |      3 |   6,084 |   1 |  0.29%
 66 | Doctor Who CRASHES and BURNS! LOSES 600,000 Viewers, Hits Worst 
Ratings of A ... |      3 |   5,974 |   1 |  0.29%
 67 | May the Fourth Be With You!                                       
               |      3 |   5,906 |   1 |  0.29%
 68 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Daleks in Manhattan              
               |      3 |   5,829 |   1 |  0.29%
 69 | Google Gemini reviews the Power of Kroll                          
               |      3 |   5,785 |   1 |  0.29%
 70 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Angels Take Manhattan            
               |      3 |   5,562 |   1 |  0.29%
 71 | Google Gemini reviews Shada                                       
               |      3 |   4,930 |   1 |  0.29%
 72 | Ncuti Gatwa promises more Doctor Who is coming despite no 
official renewal       |      3 |   4,858 |   1 |  0.29%
 73 | Toxic fandom                                                      
               |      3 |   4,706 |   1 |  0.29%
 74 | The Doctor and companions pointillism now available at 
nightcafe.studio          |      3 |   3,844 |   1 |  0.29%
 75 | Doctor Who Empire of Death - Review with spoilers                 
               |      2 |  12,888 |   1 |  0.19%
 76 | CHATGPT reviews Doctor Who Ghostlight                             
               |      2 |   8,130 |   1 |  0.19%
 77 | Google Gemini REviews Doctor Who - Aliens of London               
               |      2 |   5,449 |   1 |  0.19%
 78 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - A Christiams Carol             
               |      2 |   4,685 |   1 |  0.19%
 79 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror                   
               |      2 |   3,896 |   1 |  0.19%
 80 | Doctor Who Episode 3 Review | Boom by Steven Moffat is FAR Worse 
Than Most R ... |      2 |   3,545 |   1 |  0.19%
 81 | Doctor Who Ratings PLUMMET To Historic 60 Year LOWS | 
Aggressively Gay Agend ... |      2 |   3,504 |   1 |  0.19%
 82 | Doctor Who Review Ncuti Gatwa Leaves & Show Improves - Season 1 
Episode 4        |      2 |   3,488 |   1 |  0.19%
 83 | Doctor Who FALLOUT Cast ATTACK Fans After Failure                 
               |      2 |   3,375 |   1 |  0.19%
 84 | Doctor Who Episode 4 Review | "73 Yards" is the Best of Series 14 
So Far...B ... |      2 |   3,232 |   1 |  0.19%
 85 | Doctor Who Review Moffat DESTROYS Ncuti Gatwa Season 1 Episode 3  
               |      2 |   3,221 |   1 |  0.19%
 86 | Doctor Who Review Gets WORSE Nukes Ncuti Gatwa's Integrity Season 
1 Episode 2    |      2 |   3,175 |   1 |  0.19%
 87 | Doctor Who Rating CRATER!! Show Loses MILLIONS of Viewers!!       
               |      2 |   3,016 |   1 |  0.19%
 88 | Is The Acolyte Being Review Bombed | Film Threat Versus:          
               |      2 |   2,870 |   1 |  0.19%
 89 | DOCTOR WHO REVIEW - PYRAMIDS OF MARS (Dalam Reviews)              
               |      2 |   2,796 |   1 |  0.19%
 90 | But wait... THERE'S MORE | The Acolyte:                           
               |      2 |   2,712 |   1 |  0.19%
 91 | The Giggle sees the REAL 13th Doctor regenerate into the REAL 
14th Doctor        |      2 |   3,589 |   0 |  0.19%
 92 | Doctor Who The Church on Ruby Street review with spoilers         
               |      2 |   3,292 |   0 |  0.19%
 93 | stats 2024 first half                                             
               |      1 |  54,369 |   1 |  0.10%
 94 | stats 2023                                                        
               |      1 |  39,171 |   1 |  0.10%
 95 | stats 2024 MAy                                                    
               |      1 |  20,189 |   1 |  0.10%
 96 | stats 2024 Q1                                                     
               |      1 |  19,155 |   1 |  0.10%
 97 | stats 2024-09                                                     
               |      1 |  17,097 |   1 |  0.10%
 98 | stats 2024-08                                                     
               |      1 |  15,911 |   1 |  0.10%
 99 | stats 2024 July                                                   
               |      1 |  15,908 |   1 |  0.10%
100 | stats 2024/10                                                     
               |      1 |  15,067 |   1 |  0.10%
101 | stats 2024 April                                                  
               |      1 |  14,971 |   1 |  0.10%
102 | stats 2024 Nov                                                    
               |      1 |  13,751 |   1 |  0.10%
103 | stats 2024 Feb                                                    
               |      1 |  12,645 |   1 |  0.10%
104 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Doomsday                             
               |      1 |   8,116 |   1 |  0.10%
105 | XanaNews Statistic for can.arts.sf.  1/1/2024 1:41:17 AM          
               |      1 |   7,907 |   1 |  0.10%
106 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - PArtners in Crime                    
               |      1 |   7,738 |   1 |  0.10%
107 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Shakespeare Code                 
               |      1 |   7,592 |   1 |  0.10%
108 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Love & Monsters                      
               |      1 |   7,370 |   1 |  0.10%
109 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Remembrance of the Daleks            
               |      1 |   7,347 |   1 |  0.10%
110 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - 42                                   
               |      1 |   7,246 |   1 |  0.10%
111 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor who - The Sound of Drums                   
               |      1 |   7,221 |   1 |  0.10%
112 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Family of Blood                      
               |      1 |   7,208 |   1 |  0.10%
113 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Satan Pit                        
               |      1 |   7,207 |   1 |  0.10%
114 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who -Silver Nemesis                        
               |      1 |   7,143 |   1 |  0.10%
115 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who -Smith and Jones                       
               |      1 |   7,140 |   1 |  0.10%
116 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Happiness Patrol                 
               |      1 |   7,118 |   1 |  0.10%
117 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Gridlock                             
               |      1 |   7,098 |   1 |  0.10%
118 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Runaway Bride                    
               |      1 |   7,092 |   1 |  0.10%
119 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Daleks in Manhattan                  
               |      1 |   7,054 |   1 |  0.10%
120 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Blink                                
               |      1 |   7,004 |   1 |  0.10%
121 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The armageddon factor                
               |      1 |   6,941 |   1 |  0.10%
122 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Evolution of the Daleks              
               |      1 |   6,912 |   1 |  0.10%
123 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Fear Her                             
               |      1 |   6,851 |   1 |  0.10%
124 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Voyge of the Damned                  
               |      1 |   6,811 |   1 |  0.10%
125 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of Fire                   
               |      1 |   6,781 |   1 |  0.10%
126 | ChayGPT reviews Doctor Who - The impossible Planet                
               |      1 |   6,752 |   1 |  0.10%
127 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy      
               |      1 |   6,712 |   1 |  0.10%
128 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Caves of Androzani                     
               |      1 |   6,684 |   1 |  0.10%
129 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Lazarus Experiment               
               |      1 |   6,630 |   1 |  0.10%
130 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Frontios                             
               |      1 |   6,465 |   1 |  0.10%
131 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - PAradise Towers                      
               |      1 |   6,424 |   1 |  0.10%
132 | stats 2024 Jan                                                    
               |      1 |   6,358 |   1 |  0.10%
133 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Resurrection of the Daleks           
               |      1 |   6,344 |   1 |  0.10%
134 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Utopia                               
               |      1 |   6,321 |   1 |  0.10%
135 | From ChatGPT, Tom Baker vs David Tennant                          
               |      1 |   6,304 |   1 |  0.10%
136 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - Warriors of the Deep                 
               |      1 |   6,284 |   1 |  0.10%
137 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Mindwarp                              
               |      1 |   6,282 |   1 |  0.10%
138 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The MYsterious PLanet                
               |      1 |   6,118 |   1 |  0.10%
139 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Time and the Rani                    
               |      1 |   6,025 |   1 |  0.10%
140 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Enlightenment                        
               |      1 |   6,023 |   1 |  0.10%
141 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Mawdryn Undead                       
               |      1 |   6,004 |   1 |  0.10%
142 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Two doctors                      
               |      1 |   5,951 |   1 |  0.10%
143 | CHATGPT reviews Doctor Who - Dragonfire                           
               |      1 |   5,925 |   1 |  0.10%
144 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Terminus                             
               |      1 |   5,916 |   1 |  0.10%
145 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Terror of the Vervoids               
               |      1 |   5,903 |   1 |  0.10%
146 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Last of the TimeLords                
               |      1 |   5,843 |   1 |  0.10%
147 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Time-Flight                            
               |      1 |   5,806 |   1 |  0.10%
148 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Arc of Infinity                      
               |      1 |   5,730 |   1 |  0.10%
149 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - Earthshock                           
               |      1 |   5,650 |   1 |  0.10%
150 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who The Creature from the Pit              
               |      1 |   5,619 |   1 |  0.10%
151 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Snakedance                           
               |      1 |   5,604 |   1 |  0.10%
152 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Invasion of Time                   
               |      1 |   5,556 |   1 |  0.10%
153 | Can ChatGPT compare Cyberman to Communists?                       
               |      1 |   5,532 |   1 |  0.10%
154 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who the Nightmare of Eden                   
               |      1 |   5,528 |   1 |  0.10%
155 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who City of Death                          
               |      1 |   5,489 |   1 |  0.10%
156 | ChatGPT comments on Trial of a TimeLord as a concept              
               |      1 |   5,368 |   1 |  0.10%
157 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Planet of Spiders                  
               |      1 |   5,293 |   1 |  0.10%
158 | Doctor Who - Rogue review with spoilers                           
               |      1 |   5,215 |   1 |  0.10%
159 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Destiny of the Daleks                  
               |      1 |   5,164 |   1 |  0.10%
160 | According to GhatGPT , why will William Hartnell be most liked as 
the 1st Do ... |      1 |   5,151 |   1 |  0.10%
161 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Android of Tara                
               |      1 |   5,121 |   1 |  0.10%
162 | ChatGPT reviews Evil of the Daleks                                
               |      1 |   5,117 |   1 |  0.10%
163 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - MArk of the Rani                     
               |      1 |   5,084 |   1 |  0.10%
164 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Pirate Planet                    
               |      1 |   5,052 |   1 |  0.10%
165 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who the Stones of Blood                    
               |      1 |   5,025 |   1 |  0.10%
166 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Five Doctors                     
               |      1 |   4,991 |   1 |  0.10%
167 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Power of Kroll                     
               |      1 |   4,985 |   1 |  0.10%
168 | ChAtGPT reviews Doctor Who Delta and the Bannermen                
               |      1 |   4,957 |   1 |  0.10%
169 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Seeds of Doom                      
               |      1 |   4,949 |   1 |  0.10%
170 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Ribos Operation                  
               |      1 |   4,835 |   1 |  0.10%
171 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Vengeance on Varos                    
               |      1 |   4,823 |   1 |  0.10%
172 | ChatGPT comments on whether Gallifrey refelcts Colonial Britain   
               |      1 |   4,739 |   1 |  0.10%
173 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Revelation of the Daleks             
               |      1 |   4,725 |   1 |  0.10%
174 | ChatGPT compares Daleks to Nazis                                  
               |      1 |   4,710 |   1 |  0.10%
175 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Monster of Peladon               
               |      1 |   4,680 |   1 |  0.10%
176 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Tooth and Claw                       
               |      1 |   4,662 |   1 |  0.10%
177 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Ice Warriors                     
               |      1 |   4,634 |   1 |  0.10%
178 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Romans                     
               |      1 |   4,632 |   1 |  0.10%
179 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Death in Heaven                        
               |      1 |   4,630 |   1 |  0.10%
180 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction         
               |      1 |   4,615 |   1 |  0.10%
181 | ChatGPT reviews all episodes individually of Doctor Who - The 
Faceless Ones      |      1 |   4,614 |   1 |  0.10%
182 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Revelation of the Daleks             
               |      1 |   4,612 |   1 |  0.10%
183 | ChatGPT was asked From Doctor Who, why was Sylvester McCoy good 
and memorabl ... |      1 |   4,607 |   1 |  0.10%
184 | Doctor Who's K-9 as Artificial Intelligence as per ChatGPT        
               |      1 |   4,604 |   1 |  0.10%
185 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Timelash                             
               |      1 |   4,595 |   1 |  0.10%
186 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Crusades                     
               |      1 |   4,594 |   1 |  0.10%
187 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Meddling Monk              
               |      1 |   4,587 |   1 |  0.10%
188 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Web Planet                   
               |      1 |   4,581 |   1 |  0.10%
189 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Battlefield                           
               |      1 |   4,567 |   1 |  0.10%
190 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Chase                      
               |      1 |   4,539 |   1 |  0.10%
191 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Invasion of Time                   
               |      1 |   4,536 |   1 |  0.10%
192 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Underworld                             
               |      1 |   4,524 |   1 |  0.10%
193 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Web of Fear                      
               |      1 |   4,523 |   1 |  0.10%
194 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Sensorites                 
               |      1 |   4,518 |   1 |  0.10%
195 | ChatGPT comments on Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor       
               |      1 |   4,500 |   1 |  0.10%
196 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Witch's familiar                 
               |      1 |   4,496 |   1 |  0.10%
197 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Ultimate Foe                     
               |      1 |   4,495 |   1 |  0.10%
198 | Google Gemini reviews Planet of the Giants                        
               |      1 |   4,494 |   1 |  0.10%
199 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Myth Makers                
               |      1 |   4,493 |   1 |  0.10%
200 | ChatGPT coment on if Paul McGann would have had a long run as the 
8th Doctor     |      1 |   4,489 |   1 |  0.10%
201 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Last Christmas                       
               |      1 |   4,484 |   1 |  0.10%
202 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Galaxy 4                       
               |      1 |   4,481 |   1 |  0.10%
203 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - dark Water                           
               |      1 |   4,475 |   1 |  0.10%
204 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor WHo - The Seeds of Death             
               |      1 |   4,466 |   1 |  0.10%
205 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Enemy of the World               
               |      1 |   4,460 |   1 |  0.10%
206 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Attack of the Cybermen               
               |      1 |   4,458 |   1 |  0.10%
207 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Dalek Invasion of Earth      
               |      1 |   4,456 |   1 |  0.10%
208 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Web of Fear                      
               |      1 |   4,452 |   1 |  0.10%
209 | Google Gemini Reviews Doctor Who The Space Pirates                
               |      1 |   4,443 |   1 |  0.10%
210 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Deadly Assassin                  
               |      1 |   4,441 |   1 |  0.10%
211 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The Wheel in Space                
               |      1 |   4,437 |   1 |  0.10%
212 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Mutants                      
               |      1 |   4,434 |   1 |  0.10%
213 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Awakening                         
               |      1 |   4,425 |   1 |  0.10%
214 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Rescue                     
               |      1 |   4,424 |   1 |  0.10%
215 | Why is the 5th Doctor so liked according to ChatGPT               
               |      1 |   4,406 |   1 |  0.10%
216 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Sontaran Strategem               
               |      1 |   4,399 |   1 |  0.10%
217 | ChatGPT Comments on WOTAN, the Computer from The War Machines in 
Doctor Who, ... |      1 |   4,390 |   1 |  0.10%
218 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The War Games and bottles it      
               |      1 |   4,377 |   1 |  0.10%
219 | ChatGPT comments on on Xoanan , the computer from Face of Evil in 
Doctor Who ... |      1 |   4,371 |   1 |  0.10%
220 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Space Museum                 
               |      1 |   4,356 |   1 |  0.10%
221 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Mission to the Unknown           
               |      1 |   4,354 |   1 |  0.10%
222 | Google Gemini reviews Spearhead from Space                        
               |      1 |   4,348 |   1 |  0.10%
223 | ChatGPT REviews Doctor Who - In the Forest of the Night           
               |      1 |   4,347 |   1 |  0.10%
224 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Mummy on the orient express          
               |      1 |   4,337 |   1 |  0.10%
225 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Flatline                             
               |      1 |   4,335 |   1 |  0.10%
226 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Before the Flood                     
               |      1 |   4,334 |   1 |  0.10%
227 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor WHo - Heaven Sent                          
               |      1 |   4,332 |   1 |  0.10%
228 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Hand of Fear                       
               |      1 |   4,328 |   1 |  0.10%
229 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The mind Robber                
               |      1 |   4,327 |   1 |  0.10%
230 | Chat GPT reviews Doctor Who -Robot                                
               |      1 |   4,321 |   1 |  0.10%
231 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Sea Devils                 
               |      1 |   4,312 |   1 |  0.10%
232 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Curse of Fenric                        
               |      1 |   4,308 |   1 |  0.10%
233 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The King's Demon                      
               |      1 |   4,299 |   1 |  0.10%
234 | Google Gemini reviews Evil of the Daleks ?                        
               |      1 |   4,297 |   1 |  0.10%
235 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Poison Sky                       
               |      1 |   4,284 |   1 |  0.10%
236 | ChatGPT reviews Edge of Destruction/ Brink of Disaster            
               |      1 |   4,279 |   1 |  0.10%
237 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Daemons                    
               |      1 |   4,273 |   1 |  0.10%
238 | Why was Colin Baker as the sixth Doctor memorable in Doctor Who 
accrding to  ... |      1 |   4,249 |   1 |  0.10%
239 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Husbands of River Song           
               |      1 |   4,243 |   1 |  0.10%
240 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Tenth Planet                 
               |      1 |   4,234 |   1 |  0.10%
241 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - Terror of the Autons            
               |      1 |   4,230 |   1 |  0.10%
242 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Enemy of the World                   
               |      1 |   4,213 |   1 |  0.10%
243 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who Pyramids of MArs                        
               |      1 |   4,212 |   1 |  0.10%
244 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Claws of Axos                
               |      1 |   4,211 |   1 |  0.10%
245 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Inferno and bottles it           
               |      1 |   4,209 |   1 |  0.10%
246 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Curse of Fenric              
               |      1 |   4,195 |   1 |  0.10%
247 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Krotons and bottles it!    
               |      1 |   4,187 |   1 |  0.10%
248 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Return of Doctor Mysterio        
               |      1 |   4,181 |   1 |  0.10%
249 | ChatGPT review Doctor WHo - Hell Bent                             
               |      1 |   4,176 |   1 |  0.10%
250 | ChatGPT reviews Power of the Daleks                               
               |      1 |   4,173 |   1 |  0.10%
251 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The Dominators                  
               |      1 |   4,167 |   1 |  0.10%
252 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Green Death                      
               |      1 |   4,143 |   1 |  0.10%
253 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who and the Silurians                
               |      1 |   4,140 |   1 |  0.10%
254 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of Evil                   
               |      1 |   4,131 |   1 |  0.10%
255 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius                 
               |      1 |   4,123 |   1 |  0.10%
256 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Three Doctors              
               |      1 |   4,118 |   1 |  0.10%
257 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Day of the Daleks                
               |      1 |   4,114 |   1 |  0.10%
258 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Death to the Daleks!                  
               |      1 |   4,108 |   1 |  0.10%
259 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Invasion of the Dinosaurs  
               |      1 |   4,106 |   1 |  0.10%
260 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Planet of the OOD                    
               |      1 |   4,103 |   1 |  0.10%
261 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The Abominable Snowmen            
               |      1 |   4,098 |   1 |  0.10%
262 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Gunfighters                
               |      1 |   4,096 |   1 |  0.10%
263 | Google Gemini reviews Fury from the Deep and misses the mark!     
               |      1 |   4,091 |   1 |  0.10%
264 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Death to the Daleks            
               |      1 |   4,080 |   1 |  0.10%
265 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Doctor's daughter                
               |      1 |   4,069 |   1 |  0.10%
266 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who Tomb of the Cybermen              
               |      1 |   4,062 |   1 |  0.10%
267 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks        
               |      1 |   4,040 |   1 |  0.10%
268 | CHATGPT reviews Doctor Who 1996 movie                             
               |      1 |   4,015 |   1 |  0.10%
269 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Frontier in Space                
               |      1 |   4,015 |   1 |  0.10%
270 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Macra Terror                 
               |      1 |   4,013 |   1 |  0.10%
271 | Google Gemini Review Doctor Who - The War Machines                
               |      1 |   4,010 |   1 |  0.10%
272 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - Forest of the Dead                   
               |      1 |   3,996 |   1 |  0.10%
273 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who Masque of Mandragora                    
               |      1 |   3,983 |   1 |  0.10%
274 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The highlanders                  
               |      1 |   3,983 |   1 |  0.10%
275 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Invasion of the Dinosaurs              
               |      1 |   3,972 |   1 |  0.10%
276 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion                  
               |      1 |   3,968 |   1 |  0.10%
277 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Revenge of the cybermen                
               |      1 |   3,967 |   1 |  0.10%
278 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Black Orchid                          
               |      1 |   3,962 |   1 |  0.10%
279 | ChatGPT comments on the Potential 8th Doctor series in the late 
1990s/ early ... |      1 |   3,961 |   1 |  0.10%
280 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who School Reunion                   
               |      1 |   3,955 |   1 |  0.10%
281 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who the Aztecs                       
               |      1 |   3,952 |   1 |  0.10%
282 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The Moonbase                      
               |      1 |   3,925 |   1 |  0.10%
283 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Wasp and the Unicorn               
               |      1 |   3,921 |   1 |  0.10%
284 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who the Sensorites                         
               |      1 |   3,915 |   1 |  0.10%
285 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Smugglers                  
               |      1 |   3,911 |   1 |  0.10%
286 | Google Gemini Revews Doctor Who - The Ark                         
               |      1 |   3,908 |   1 |  0.10%
287 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Brain of Morbius             
               |      1 |   3,906 |   1 |  0.10%
288 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Midnight                             
               |      1 |   3,888 |   1 |  0.10%
289 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Faceless Ones              
               |      1 |   3,887 |   1 |  0.10%
290 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion                  
               |      1 |   3,873 |   1 |  0.10%
291 | ChatGpt reviews Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks                  
               |      1 |   3,852 |   1 |  0.10%
292 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Seeds of Doom              
               |      1 |   3,849 |   1 |  0.10%
293 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Sleep No More                        
               |      1 |   3,848 |   1 |  0.10%
294 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Android Invasion                 
               |      1 |   3,845 |   1 |  0.10%
295 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who -The War Games                         
               |      1 |   3,844 |   1 |  0.10%
296 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Terror of the Zygons                   
               |      1 |   3,839 |   1 |  0.10%
297 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - MArco Polo                     
               |      1 |   3,834 |   1 |  0.10%
298 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Silence in the library               
               |      1 |   3,833 |   1 |  0.10%
299 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Dalek invasion of Earth          
               |      1 |   3,821 |   1 |  0.10%
300 | Google Gemini reviews Keys of Marinus                             
               |      1 |   3,819 |   1 |  0.10%
301 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Image of the Fendahl                 
               |      1 |   3,814 |   1 |  0.10%
302 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Underwater Menace          
               |      1 |   3,799 |   1 |  0.10%
303 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - Frontier in Space                     
               |      1 |   3,788 |   1 |  0.10%
304 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Under The Lake                       
               |      1 |   3,780 |   1 |  0.10%
305 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who The Macra Terror                        
               |      1 |   3,770 |   1 |  0.10%
306 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror                  
               |      1 |   3,767 |   1 |  0.10%
307 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The 11th Hour                        
               |      1 |   3,767 |   1 |  0.10%
308 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Web Planet                         
               |      1 |   3,764 |   1 |  0.10%
309 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Celestial Toymaker         
               |      1 |   3,761 |   1 |  0.10%
310 | Gogle Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of Three              
               |      1 |   3,755 |   1 |  0.10%
311 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Greatest Show in the 
Galaxy               |      1 |   3,755 |   1 |  0.10%
312 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Sontaran Experiment              
               |      1 |   3,739 |   1 |  0.10%
313 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor          
               |      1 |   3,738 |   1 |  0.10%
314 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster                     
               |      1 |   3,735 |   1 |  0.10%
315 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Smith and Jones                
               |      1 |   3,727 |   1 |  0.10%
316 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Chase                            
               |      1 |   3,726 |   1 |  0.10%
317 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Savages                      
               |      1 |   3,721 |   1 |  0.10%
318 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Battlefield                    
               |      1 |   3,679 |   1 |  0.10%
319 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Runaway Bride              
               |      1 |   3,668 |   1 |  0.10%
320 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Tomb of the Cybermen                 
               |      1 |   3,665 |   1 |  0.10%
321 | Goole Gemini compares the popularity of Tom Baker as the 4th 
Doctor and Davi ... |      1 |   3,665 |   1 |  0.10%
322 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Mutants                           
               |      1 |   3,661 |   1 |  0.10%
323 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Survival                             
               |      1 |   3,640 |   1 |  0.10%
324 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Terror of the Zygons           
               |      1 |   3,638 |   1 |  0.10%
325 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who Power of the Daleks                    
               |      1 |   3,633 |   1 |  0.10%
326 | ChatGPt reviews Mission to the Unknown                            
               |      1 |   3,626 |   1 |  0.10%
327 | ChatGPT commnets on Doctor Who - Key to Time- as a concept        
               |      1 |   3,624 |   1 |  0.10%
328 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Stolen Earth                     
               |      1 |   3,605 |   1 |  0.10%
329 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Magician's Apprentice            
               |      1 |   3,604 |   1 |  0.10%
330 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Turn Left                              
               |      1 |   3,601 |   1 |  0.10%
331 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion         
               |      1 |   3,598 |   1 |  0.10%
332 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Colony in Space                      
               |      1 |   3,596 |   1 |  0.10%
333 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Rise of the Cybermen             
               |      1 |   3,592 |   1 |  0.10%
334 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - End of Time Part 1                   
               |      1 |   3,584 |   1 |  0.10%
335 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - New Earth                      
               |      1 |   3,577 |   1 |  0.10%
336 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Name of the Doctor         
               |      1 |   3,574 |   1 |  0.10%
337 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Celestial Toymaker               
               |      1 |   3,573 |   1 |  0.10%
338 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The MAssacre                         
               |      1 |   3,573 |   1 |  0.10%
339 |  ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Horror of Fang Rock                   
               |      1 |   3,572 |   1 |  0.10%
340 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor WHo the Massacre and blows it        
               |      1 |   3,561 |   1 |  0.10%
341 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of Spiders          
               |      1 |   3,560 |   1 |  0.10%
342 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Nightmare in Silver            
               |      1 |   3,541 |   1 |  0.10%
343 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Silence in the Library         
               |      1 |   3,540 |   1 |  0.10%
344 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The Monster of Peladon          
               |      1 |   3,540 |   1 |  0.10%
345 | Google Gemini explains Why Sylvester McCoy is popular as the 7th 
doctor          |      1 |   3,538 |   1 |  0.10%
346 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Impossible Planet            
               |      1 |   3,533 |   1 |  0.10%
347 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Gridlock                       
               |      1 |   3,529 |   1 |  0.10%
348 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who The Dalek MasterPlan                    
               |      1 |   3,528 |   1 |  0.10%
349 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Age of Steel                   
               |      1 |   3,521 |   1 |  0.10%
350 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The mind of Evil                       
               |      1 |   3,520 |   1 |  0.10%
351 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Sea Devils                       
               |      1 |   3,502 |   1 |  0.10%
352 | Google Gemini Explains why Adric was so disliked in Doctor Who    
               |      1 |   3,488 |   1 |  0.10%
353 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Girl in the Fireplace          
               |      1 |   3,481 |   1 |  0.10%
354 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Tooth and Claw                 
               |      1 |   3,471 |   1 |  0.10%
355 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Journey's End                          
               |      1 |   3,461 |   1 |  0.10%
356 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who An Unearthly Child               
               |      1 |   3,461 |   1 |  0.10%
357 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The NExt Doctor                        
               |      1 |   3,449 |   1 |  0.10%
358 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Ark                              
               |      1 |   3,445 |   1 |  0.10%
359 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Myth Makers                       
               |      1 |   3,440 |   1 |  0.10%
360 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - A Town Called Mercy            
               |      1 |   3,437 |   1 |  0.10%
361 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The War Machines                       
               |      1 |   3,430 |   1 |  0.10%
362 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ultimate Foe               
               |      1 |   3,424 |   1 |  0.10%
363 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Happiness Patrol           
               |      1 |   3,416 |   1 |  0.10%
364 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who and the Silurians                      
               |      1 |   3,412 |   1 |  0.10%
365 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Android Invasion           
               |      1 |   3,410 |   1 |  0.10%
366 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Silver Nemesis                 
               |      1 |   3,408 |   1 |  0.10%
367 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Love & Monsters                
               |      1 |   3,407 |   1 |  0.10%
368 | Google Gemini explains why Paul McGann is popular as the 8th 
Doctor              |      1 |   3,407 |   1 |  0.10%
369 | Google Gemini reviews doctor Who - The Androids of Tara           
               |      1 |   3,406 |   1 |  0.10%
370 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Mindwarp                       
               |      1 |   3,397 |   1 |  0.10%
371 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The Pirate Planet               
               |      1 |   3,395 |   1 |  0.10%
372 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Dragonfire                     
               |      1 |   3,391 |   1 |  0.10%
373 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - Inferno                              
               |      1 |   3,380 |   1 |  0.10%
374 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Crusades                         
               |      1 |   3,373 |   1 |  0.10%
375 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Revelation of the Daleks       
               |      1 |   3,369 |   1 |  0.10%
376 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of Evil             
               |      1 |   3,368 |   1 |  0.10%
377 | ChatGPT reviews all 4 parts of the Aztecs                         
               |      1 |   3,359 |   1 |  0.10%
378 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Army of Ghosts                   
               |      1 |   3,355 |   1 |  0.10%
379 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Dalek Masterplan           
               |      1 |   3,332 |   1 |  0.10%
380 | google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - the idiot's lantern            
               |      1 |   3,323 |   1 |  0.10%
381 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who the 10th Planet                        
               |      1 |   3,315 |   1 |  0.10%
382 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Remembrance of the Daleks      
               |      1 |   3,310 |   1 |  0.10%
383 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Doctor , The Widow and the 
Wardrobe       |      1 |   3,295 |   1 |  0.10%
384 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Human Nature                   
               |      1 |   3,290 |   1 |  0.10%
385 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Forest of the dead             
               |      1 |   3,280 |   1 |  0.10%
386 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Crimson horror             
               |      1 |   3,280 |   1 |  0.10%
387 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who 42                               
               |      1 |   3,279 |   1 |  0.10%
388 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Shada                                
               |      1 |   3,278 |   1 |  0.10%
389 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The wasp and the Unicorn        
               |      1 |   3,270 |   1 |  0.10%
390 | Google Gemini Comments on K-9 as a form of Artificial 
Intelligence in Doctor Who |      1 |   3,260 |   1 |  0.10%
391 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Satan Pit                  
               |      1 |   3,259 |   1 |  0.10%
392 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Time Warrior                     
               |      1 |   3,258 |   1 |  0.10%
393 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Midnight                       
               |      1 |   3,251 |   1 |  0.10%
394 | Google Gemini reviews The 6th Doctor                              
               |      1 |   3,246 |   1 |  0.10%
395 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Space Museum                     
               |      1 |   3,239 |   1 |  0.10%
396 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Time and the Rani              
               |      1 |   3,227 |   1 |  0.10%
397 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who the Daleks                       
               |      1 |   3,226 |   1 |  0.10%
398 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Carnival of Monsters                 
               |      1 |   3,224 |   1 |  0.10%
399 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Into the Daleks                      
               |      1 |   3,223 |   1 |  0.10%
400 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Girl Who died                    
               |      1 |   3,218 |   1 |  0.10%
401 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Woman Who Lived                  
               |      1 |   3,206 |   1 |  0.10%
402 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Ressurection of the Daleks     
               |      1 |   3,203 |   1 |  0.10%
403 | ChatGPT reviews The Time Meddler                                  
               |      1 |   3,197 |   1 |  0.10%
404 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Sunmakers                  
               |      1 |   3,194 |   1 |  0.10%
405 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Invasion                         
               |      1 |   3,191 |   1 |  0.10%
406 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Carnival of Monsters         
               |      1 |   3,189 |   1 |  0.10%
407 | Chat Gpt reviews Doctor Who The DAemons                           
               |      1 |   3,189 |   1 |  0.10%
408 | ChatGPT Reviews all 4 parts of -Doctor Who the Savages and rate 
them out of 10   |      1 |   3,186 |   1 |  0.10%
409 | Google Gemini reviews Partners in Crime                           
               |      1 |   3,185 |   1 |  0.10%
410 | Google Gemini describes Why Peter Davis is popluar as the 5th 
Doctor             |      1 |   3,181 |   1 |  0.10%
411 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Amy's Choice                   
               |      1 |   3,180 |   1 |  0.10%
412 | ChatGPT rewviews Doctor Who - Rose                                
               |      1 |   3,179 |   1 |  0.10%
413 | Google Gemini Comments on the TARDIS as Artificial Intelligence   
               |      1 |   3,178 |   1 |  0.10%
414 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Planet of Fire                 
               |      1 |   3,175 |   1 |  0.10%
415 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Utopia                         
               |      1 |   3,172 |   1 |  0.10%
416 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Timelash                       
               |      1 |   3,171 |   1 |  0.10%
417 | Google Gemini explains why the Popularity of the 3rd Doctor       
               |      1 |   3,166 |   1 |  0.10%
418 | ChatGPT reviews the Romans                                        
               |      1 |   3,157 |   1 |  0.10%
419 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Curse of Peladon                  
               |      1 |   3,154 |   1 |  0.10%
420 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The bells of Saint John        
               |      1 |   3,153 |   1 |  0.10%
421 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Family of Blood                
               |      1 |   3,153 |   1 |  0.10%
422 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor  Who - The Lazarus Experiment        
               |      1 |   3,146 |   1 |  0.10%
423 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Turn Left                        
               |      1 |   3,141 |   1 |  0.10%
424 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Invasion                     
               |      1 |   3,139 |   1 |  0.10%
425 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Kill The Moon                        
               |      1 |   3,139 |   1 |  0.10%
426 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Time Heist                           
               |      1 |   3,127 |   1 |  0.10%
427 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who -Ambassadors of Death                   
               |      1 |   3,127 |   1 |  0.10%
428 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - The Lesiure hive                     
               |      1 |   3,126 |   1 |  0.10%
429 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Listen                               
               |      1 |   3,122 |   1 |  0.10%
430 | Google Gemini Comments on the presence of Artificial intelligence 
in Doctor Who  |      1 |   3,121 |   1 |  0.10%
431 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Poison Sky                 
               |      1 |   3,120 |   1 |  0.10%
432 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who -Revenge of the Cybermen         
               |      1 |   3,114 |   1 |  0.10%
433 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Gunmakers                        
               |      1 |   3,113 |   1 |  0.10%
434 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Image of the Fendahl       
               |      1 |   3,113 |   1 |  0.10%
435 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Three Doctors                      
               |      1 |   3,112 |   1 |  0.10%
436 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Doomsday                       
               |      1 |   3,111 |   1 |  0.10%
437 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Blink                          
               |      1 |   3,106 |   1 |  0.10%
438 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Hungry Earth               
               |      1 |   3,089 |   1 |  0.10%
439 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Claws of Axos                      
               |      1 |   3,080 |   1 |  0.10%
440 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Stolen Earth               
               |      1 |   3,079 |   1 |  0.10%
441 | ChapGPT reviews Doctor Who - Day of the Daleks                    
               |      1 |   3,072 |   1 |  0.10%
442 | Google Gemini Reviews Doctor Who - Planet of the Ood              
               |      1 |   3,067 |   1 |  0.10%
443 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The End of the World                 
               |      1 |   3,057 |   1 |  0.10%
444 | Google Gemini comments on WOTAN as AI in Doctor Who               
               |      1 |   3,055 |   1 |  0.10%
445 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Stones of Blood                
               |      1 |   3,051 |   1 |  0.10%
446 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The God Complex                
               |      1 |   3,039 |   1 |  0.10%
447 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Journey's End                  
               |      1 |   3,031 |   1 |  0.10%
448 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The fires of Pompeii           
               |      1 |   3,022 |   1 |  0.10%
449 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Dalek                                
               |      1 |   3,022 |   1 |  0.10%
450 | Google Gemni reviews Doctor Who - Voyage of the Damned            
               |      1 |   3,005 |   1 |  0.10%
451 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Asylum of the Dleaks           
               |      1 |   2,998 |   1 |  0.10%
452 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The girl Who Waited            
               |      1 |   2,988 |   1 |  0.10%
453 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who Fury from the Deep                     
               |      1 |   2,987 |   1 |  0.10%
454 | Google gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Mysterious Planet          
               |      1 |   2,977 |   1 |  0.10%
455 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Fear Her                       
               |      1 |   2,972 |   1 |  0.10%
456 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Unquiet Dead                     
               |      1 |   2,970 |   1 |  0.10%
457 |  chatGPT review the Moonbase                                      
               |      1 |   2,951 |   1 |  0.10%
458 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ribos Operation            
               |      1 |   2,951 |   1 |  0.10%
459 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Invasion of Time           
               |      1 |   2,940 |   1 |  0.10%
460 | Google Gemini explain the Cancellation of Doctor Who in 1989      
               |      1 |   2,935 |   1 |  0.10%
461 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion               
               |      1 |   2,933 |   1 |  0.10%
462 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Talons of Weng Chiang             
               |      1 |   2,933 |   1 |  0.10%
463 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Planet of Giants                 
               |      1 |   2,929 |   1 |  0.10%
464 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Dinosaurs of a Spaceship       
               |      1 |   2,922 |   1 |  0.10%
465 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who Vengence on Varos                 
               |      1 |   2,920 |   1 |  0.10%
466 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Aliens of London                     
               |      1 |   2,911 |   1 |  0.10%
467 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor wHo - Closing Time                   
               |      1 |   2,906 |   1 |  0.10%
468 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Doctor's Daughter          
               |      1 |   2,906 |   1 |  0.10%
469 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Long Game                        
               |      1 |   2,905 |   1 |  0.10%
470 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Caretaker                        
               |      1 |   2,902 |   1 |  0.10%
471 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Mind Roober                      
               |      1 |   2,883 |   1 |  0.10%
472 | ChatGpt review Doctor Who - The Terror of the Autons              
               |      1 |   2,879 |   1 |  0.10%
473 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Night Terrors                        
               |      1 |   2,852 |   1 |  0.10%
474 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Empty Child                        
               |      1 |   2,847 |   1 |  0.10%
475 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Twin Dilemma               
               |      1 |   2,841 |   1 |  0.10%
476 | Google Gemini comments on Why is Tom Baker popular as the 4th 
Doctor in Doct ... |      1 |   2,820 |   1 |  0.10%
477 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Father's Day                         
               |      1 |   2,809 |   1 |  0.10%
478 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Cold Blood                     
               |      1 |   2,804 |   1 |  0.10%
479 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Cave of Androzani                
               |      1 |   2,784 |   1 |  0.10%
480 | Google Gemini explains  why The Timeless Child should be 
retconned out of Do ... |      1 |   2,783 |   1 |  0.10%
481 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Meglos                                 
               |      1 |   2,773 |   1 |  0.10%
482 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - World War III                         
               |      1 |   2,769 |   1 |  0.10%
483 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Father's Day                   
               |      1 |   2,766 |   1 |  0.10%
484 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who , The Doctor Dances                    
               |      1 |   2,751 |   1 |  0.10%
485 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Robot of Sherwood                      
               |      1 |   2,746 |   1 |  0.10%
486 | ChatGPt reviews Doctor Who - Spearhead from Space                 
               |      1 |   2,735 |   1 |  0.10%
487 | Google Gemini explains why Patrick Troughton is popular as the 
2nd person to ... |      1 |   2,731 |   1 |  0.10%
488 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Ark In Space                       
               |      1 |   2,726 |   1 |  0.10%
489 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Wedding of River Song      
               |      1 |   2,716 |   1 |  0.10%
490 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Terror of the Vervoids         
               |      1 |   2,716 |   1 |  0.10%
491 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Full Circle                          
               |      1 |   2,715 |   1 |  0.10%
492 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Dominators                        
               |      1 |   2,711 |   1 |  0.10%
493 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Parting of the Ways                  
               |      1 |   2,702 |   1 |  0.10%
494 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - New Earth                            
               |      1 |   2,697 |   1 |  0.10%
495 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - BoomTown                             
               |      1 |   2,685 |   1 |  0.10%
496 | Google Gemini compares Tom Baker , the 4th Doctor, and David 
Tennant, the 10 ... |      1 |   2,673 |   1 |  0.10%
497 | Doctor Who - The Devil's Chord review with spoilers               
               |      1 |   2,672 |   1 |  0.10%
498 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Bad Wolf                             
               |      1 |   2,666 |   1 |  0.10%
499 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Rescue                             
               |      1 |   2,654 |   1 |  0.10%
500 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Armageddon Factor          
               |      1 |   2,646 |   1 |  0.10%
501 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Wheel in Space                    
               |      1 |   2,640 |   1 |  0.10%
502 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Doctor Dances              
               |      1 |   2,632 |   1 |  0.10%
503 | Google Gemini comments on Doctor - The Key to time season         
               |      1 |   2,625 |   1 |  0.10%
504 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the 
TARDIS           |      1 |   2,624 |   1 |  0.10%
505 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - City of Death                  
               |      1 |   2,618 |   1 |  0.10%
506 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who - The Leisure Hive                
               |      1 |   2,612 |   1 |  0.10%
507 | Google Gemini reviews doctor Who - Bad Wold                       
               |      1 |   2,611 |   1 |  0.10%
508 | Chat GPT reviews Doctor Who Robots of Death                       
               |      1 |   2,605 |   1 |  0.10%
509 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Highlanders                        
               |      1 |   2,600 |   1 |  0.10%
510 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who - The Krotons                           
               |      1 |   2,599 |   1 |  0.10%
511 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Tooth and Claw                       
               |      1 |   2,592 |   1 |  0.10%
512 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Reign of Terror              
               |      1 |   2,582 |   1 |  0.10%
513 | Google Gemini comments on Doctor Who - TRial of a TimeLord as a 
Concept          |      1 |   2,581 |   1 |  0.10%
514 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Empty Child                
               |      1 |   2,580 |   1 |  0.10%
515 | Doctor Who The Space Pirates as review by ChatGPT                 
               |      1 |   2,568 |   1 |  0.10%
516 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Unquiet Dead               
               |      1 |   2,552 |   1 |  0.10%
517 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Next Doctor                
               |      1 |   2,551 |   1 |  0.10%
518 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Creature from the Pit      
               |      1 |   2,540 |   1 |  0.10%
519 | ChatGPT review Doctor Who The Web of Fear                         
               |      1 |   2,540 |   1 |  0.10%
520 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Cold War                       
               |      1 |   2,533 |   1 |  0.10%
521 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Meglos                         
               |      1 |   2,532 |   1 |  0.10%
522 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Snowmen                    
               |      1 |   2,520 |   1 |  0.10%
523 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The PArting of the ways        
               |      1 |   2,498 |   1 |  0.10%
524 | Google Gemini REviews Doctor Who - Castrovalva                    
               |      1 |   2,489 |   1 |  0.10%
525 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor WHo - Survival                       
               |      1 |   2,457 |   1 |  0.10%
526 | Chat GPT reviews Doctor WHO - Four to Doomsday                    
               |      1 |   2,450 |   1 |  0.10%
527 | Just looking up IMDB                                              
               |      1 |   2,447 |   1 |  0.10%
528 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - Kinda                                
               |      1 |   2,438 |   1 |  0.10%
529 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - State of Decay                 
               |      1 |   2,437 |   1 |  0.10%
530 | Google Geimini reviews Doctor Who - The visitation                
               |      1 |   2,427 |   1 |  0.10%
531 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Full Circle                    
               |      1 |   2,422 |   1 |  0.10%
532 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Earthshock                     
               |      1 |   2,421 |   1 |  0.10%
533 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor WHo - Logopolis                      
               |      1 |   2,416 |   1 |  0.10%
534 | Google Gemini reviews doctor Who - Destiny of the Daleks          
               |      1 |   2,403 |   1 |  0.10%
535 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Keeper of Traken                 
               |      1 |   2,396 |   1 |  0.10%
536 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The End of the World           
               |      1 |   2,393 |   1 |  0.10%
537 | Google Gemini review Doctor Who The Awakening                     
               |      1 |   2,390 |   1 |  0.10%
538 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Word War III                   
               |      1 |   2,389 |   1 |  0.10%
539 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who The Visitation                         
               |      1 |   2,382 |   1 |  0.10%
540 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Keeper of Traken                 
               |      1 |   2,376 |   1 |  0.10%
541 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The Face of Evil                     
               |      1 |   2,366 |   1 |  0.10%
542 | ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who Warrior's Gate                         
               |      1 |   2,364 |   1 |  0.10%
543 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Rose                           
               |      1 |   2,360 |   1 |  0.10%
544 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Four to Dooomsday              
               |      1 |   2,315 |   1 |  0.10%
545 | Invite an Alien to Live With You Day                              
               |      1 |   2,305 |   1 |  0.10%
546 | Google Gamini reviews Doctor Who - The Curse of the Black Spot    
               |      1 |   2,298 |   1 |  0.10%
547 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Vampires of Venice         
               |      1 |   2,296 |   1 |  0.10%
548 | Googlge Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Nightmare of Eden         
               |      1 |   2,292 |   1 |  0.10%
549 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Warriors' Gate                 
               |      1 |   2,290 |   1 |  0.10%
550 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - End of Time                    
               |      1 |   2,281 |   1 |  0.10%
551 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - TV Movie 1996                  
               |      1 |   2,279 |   1 |  0.10%
552 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks            
               |      1 |   2,274 |   1 |  0.10%
553 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Sontaran Experiment          
               |      1 |   2,261 |   1 |  0.10%
554 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Black Orchid                   
               |      1 |   2,259 |   1 |  0.10%
555 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who  - Let's Kill hitler             
               |      1 |   2,250 |   1 |  0.10%
556 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens            
               |      1 |   2,249 |   1 |  0.10%
557 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Waters of Mars             
               |      1 |   2,248 |   1 |  0.10%
558 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Hide                           
               |      1 |   2,247 |   1 |  0.10%
559 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Vincent andthe Doctor          
               |      1 |   2,224 |   1 |  0.10%
560 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Lodger                     
               |      1 |   2,209 |   1 |  0.10%
561 | Google Gemini explains why William Hartnell is popular as The 
Doctor             |      1 |   2,185 |   1 |  0.10%
562 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Deadly Assassin            
               |      1 |   2,176 |   1 |  0.10%
563 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Rebel Flesh                
               |      1 |   2,143 |   1 |  0.10%
564 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - time of Angels                 
               |      1 |   2,135 |   1 |  0.10%
565 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Sontaran Stratagem         
               |      1 |   2,130 |   1 |  0.10%
566 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Day of the Moon                
               |      1 |   2,127 |   1 |  0.10%
567 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Almost poeple              
               |      1 |   2,125 |   1 |  0.10%
568 | Google Gemini reviews  **Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes to War **    
               |      1 |   2,110 |   1 |  0.10%
569 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Beast Below                
               |      1 |   2,095 |   1 |  0.10%
570 | ChatGPT comments on John Nathan-Turner                            
               |      1 |   2,073 |   1 |  0.10%
571 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Doctor's Wife              
               |      1 |   2,068 |   1 |  0.10%
572 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Big Bang                   
               |      1 |   2,067 |   1 |  0.10%
573 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Impoosible Astronaut       
               |      1 |   2,064 |   1 |  0.10%
574 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who The Face of Evil                 
               |      1 |   2,051 |   1 |  0.10%
575 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The 11th Hour                  
               |      1 |   2,042 |   1 |  0.10%
576 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Dalek                          
               |      1 |   2,031 |   1 |  0.10%
577 | Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - Frontios                       
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Total replies : 377
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