Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Hurricanes: We Don't See A Change In Hurricane Frequency - The IPCC Doesn't Claim That They're Increasing
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 22:51:28 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:06:05 -0700, Alan says... 

> 'Patrick Michaels: Cato's Climate Expert Has History Of Getting It Wrong'

First off...
> https://www.mediamatters.org


Oooooooooh... "Wrong" about ONE thing, and he wasn't as wrong about temps going 
down as you and that bastion of scientific knowledge, MEDIAMATTERS, thinks.

Temperature DID go down (I've shown you NASA plots that showed EXACTLY that) 
and there was NOT as dramatic an upturn in warming at all.

According to your bastion of scientific knowledge, MEDIA-NATTERS... there was a 
WHOPPING 0.074°C per decade.


YOU can't FEEL 0.074°C.

Let's match the credentials of your bastion of scientific knowledge, MEDIA-
NATTERS, with Dr. Patrick Michaels.

For fuck's sake, moron, YOUR scientists have been getting EVERYTHING wrong for 
60 years.

Name your scientists, and I bet I can name MORE than ONE thing they've gotten 
wrong, lo these many years.

What about James Hansen? You know... the "godfather" of global warming, who's 
touted in ALL the scientific journals about being SOOOO right about warming? 
(not like my DOG couldn't have predicted that, looking at a temperature graph 
from 1980 to when Hansen made his STUPENDOUS prediction. The temperature was 
skyrocketing compared to the cold spell of the 40s through to 1980)

Michael Mann:

Welllll... we won't go there, knowing what we know about THAT charlatan, now.

HE even said James Hansen was wrong about a thing, or 20.

James Hansen:

Said Arctic would be ice free by 2018

Wrong about Midwestern droughts in 1988 about the 1990s.

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s But the last 
really dry year in the Midwest was 1988, and recent years have been record wet.

"The Arctic is the first tipping point and it's occurring exactly the way we 
said it would."

Uhhh... nope.

Let us not forget this little gem: https://i.imgur.com/xomojcL.mp4 (snicker)

Said "Manhattan would be under water" by now.

2006 NASA scientist James Hansen says the world has a 10-year window of 
opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe. 
2016 came and went and what?

In 1999 reported 0.5C US cooling since the 1930s. (SMH)

In 2009, James Hansen, one of nation's most respected climate scientists, told 
President Obama that we have "only four years left to save the earth." 2013 
came and went. Still here.

James Hansen, Ph.D., former director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space 
Studies, predicted New York City's West Side Highway would be underwater 
in 20 years from sea-level rise, and then when it didn't come true claimed he 
really said 40 years.

LOL... ALL of your scientists are liars... on purpose, to keep up the facade 
that we are all doomed, so they can keep making money and have a "forever" job, 
if they just keep lying about doomsday shit.


Hansen Got Everything Wrong - Alarmists Claim Victory


If you liked last summer's record temperatures, you're going to love the 1990s, 
says James Hansen, the NASA scientist who, during congressional hearings on the 
Midwestern drought, linked greenhouse warming to the heat wave.


James Hansen's Climate Forecast Of 1988: A Whopping 150% Wrong


The CO 2 emissions since 2000 to about 2.5 percent per year has increased, so 
that we would expect according to the Hansen paper a temperature rise, which 
should be stronger than in model A. Figure 1 shows the three Hansen scenarios 
and the real measured global temperature curve are shown.


James Hansen's Climate Warning, 30 Years Later - State Of The Planet


The global average temperature has not gone up quite as much as Hansen 
predicted-among other things, 30 years ago scientists lacked the sophisticated 
instruments, accumulated data and vast computing power informing Today - 's 
climate models-but he was remarkably close given the limitations, and was dead 
right on the overall trend.


NASA "Climate Prophet" James Hansen Said The Arctic Would Be "Free of Summer 
Ice" By 2018

"Capital punishment for Dr James Hansen. Climategate is high treason."

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s, but the last 
really dry year in the Midwest was 1988, and recent years have been record wet.

For the past 30 years, NASA climate scientists under the leadership of Dr. 
Hansen have demonstrated nearly complete incompetence in forecasting, and they 
have tampered with data to try to hide their mis-predictions. - James Hansen El 
Nino 2011 Prediction

Dr. James Hansen of NASA, has been the world's leading promoter of the idea 
that the world is headed towards "climate disaster." There is little evidence 
to back this up.

This isn't the first time NASA climate-change scientists have fudged data. 
James Hansen is famous for it. James Hansen of NASA is not just any global 
warming Moonbat, he is Al Gore's global warming Moonbat. It was Hansen's data 
that was used in Gore's Oscar/Peace prize winning film.

Often described as the father of the global warming, NASA's James Hansen has 
made many a catastrophic climate claim over the decades.

*Consensus?: Keith Briffa on some alarmist work by James Hansen: "At very quick 
glance I am dubious"

2006 NASA scientist James Hansen says the world has a 10-year window (2016) of 
opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe.

"Hansen was never muzzled even though he violated NASA's official agency 
position on climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough to forecast 
climate change or mankind's effect on it) My own belief concerning 
anthropogenic climate change is that the models do not realistically simulate 
the climate system because there are many very important sub-grid scale 
processes that the models either replicate poorly or completely omit."

Dr Lee Gerhard: "I never fully accepted or denied the anthropogenic global 
warming concept until the furore started after NASA's James Hansen's wild 
claims in the late 1980s. I went to the literature to study the basis of the 
claim, starting with first principles. My studies then led me to believe that 
the claims were false."

The critical problem here in James Hansen's graph is that the 0.5°C of observed 
warming from 1880 to 1980 was claimed to be entirely due to increased CO 2 when 
natural warming since the Little Ice Age was estimated at the same 0.5°
C/century as the 0.5°C in the hundred years from 1880 to 1980 on which the CO 2 
forcing parameter had based!

This is why Michael Mann's 'hockey stick' graph - the MBH98 Proxy only went 
back 600 years to the Little Ice Age with the full 1000 year proxy MBH99 just 
an afterthought to get rid of the pesky Medieval Warm Period which was shown to 
be warmer than current temperatures in the IPCC 1990 First Assessment Report.


The ONLY thing predicted that came true, was the EVER SO SLIGHT warming... 
warming that is NOT unprecedented, at all.

And NO ONE... still, has proven that WE or CO² warms. I've said this a 1000 
times... and I'm quoting NASA... CO² acts more of a thermostat, than the 

If you doubt that... look it up.



NZ's Record-Cold March

Rare April Snow Hits Bay Area

More Snow For Midwest/New

Scandinavia Extends Historic Cold Spell, As Europe Sets Snow Records

No Spring In Sight For Much of Russia

Temperatures Are Falling Globally

Feet Of Spring Snow Pound Colorado

U.S. Braces For Record April Cold

Southern Cal's Back-To-Back Bumper Snow Seasons

Cold And Snow To Persist Into May Across Europe

Svalbard On For Cold April

Switzerland's Snow Matches Historic 1974-75 Season

Heavy Snow Slams Northwestern Iran

Europe Braces For Spring Freeze

Another Three Avalanche Deaths In The Alps

Indian State Suffers Coldest April Day On Record

The Arctic Was Warmer In The 1920s

Today's Arctic Sea Ice Extent Matches 1996

Snow Remains In Northern India

Germany Regrets Disbanding Nuclear Plants, It Was A "Mistake"

Yukon Snowpack Breaks Records

Early Snows Hit Australia's Ski Fields

It's Still Snowing On Kilimanjaro... Al Gore Was Wrong (as usual)

Alyeska Exceeds 700 Inches

Rare April Snow Hits Boise

Montreal's Snowiest April Since 2010

Clearing Crews Reach Baralacha

Antarctica At -75.8C (-104.4F)

Alta Posts Rare Back-To-Back 600+ Inch Winters

Indian Army Rescues 80 Trapped By Spring Snowfall

Remarkable Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

April Nor'Easter Drops Feet Of Snow

600,000 Lose Power As 'Spring' Storm Batters Quebec

Avalanche Hits Helicopter In The Alps, Killing 3

Scandinavia Breaks Historic Low Temperature Stretch

New Zealand's Record-Cold March

Rare April Snow To Dust Bay Area Peaks

More Snow For The Midwest/Northeast

Scandinavia Extends Spell Of Historic April Cold, As Europe's Mountain Snow 
Breaks Records

Sweden Sets Coldest April Temperature

Swiss Avalanche Kills 3

Utah Snowpack At 132%, California Defies The 'Experts'

Anchorage Only 6.3" Away From All-Time Record

Colder-Than-Average March At Vostok

Antarctica Dips Below -100F

"Significant Spring Snowstorm" Takes Aim At Canada/Northern US

April Snow Builds Across Europe's Higher Elevations