Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: This Is How Narcissistic Little Children Speak When They KNOW They're Outclassed In EVERY Category of Human Skills
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:36:03 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:58:26 -0700,  Rudy Canoza says...  

> You lose again, pussy. You *always* lose.

Naaah... you ALWAYS lose... loser.


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, 
keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

11 Things Rudy The Narcissist Can't Stand, Which Makes Him Miserable

Rudy is a person who refuses to acknowledge his own flaws and believes in his 
own infallibility. This state of mind is referred to as "narcissistic 
personality disorder" or simply "narcissism" in psychology.

A narcissist is someone who believes in his or her own superiority over others. 
It's not difficult to spot him among pals. He makes an effort to be the center 
of attention, and he succeeds because others are much more modest. The 
narcissist himself makes a lot of noise, speaks loudly, and gestures a lot. He 
routinely makes fun of his friends and has no qualms about gossiping about his 
colleagues who are currently absent.

A narcissist is someone who has pathological narcissism as well as low self-
confidence. He thinks of himself as attractive, intellectual, and brilliant, 
but he continually seeks validation from others.

So, in today's topic, I'll take you on a fascinating tour through the top 11 
things that narcissists, like Rudy, despise.

Number One: Insufficient Narcissistic Supply

When a narcissist's supply, that is, the attention that allows them to feel 
like they are truly significant and exist, runs short, an irritating emptiness 
and anxiety emerge from within them.

This is when Rudy posts on Usenet, articles that seem to be calling out people. 
Rudy has run out of his narcissistic supply, felling empty and all alone.

It's also self-evident. When a narcissist is high as a KITE with enough 
narcissistic supply to feed his or her unsafe and demanding ego, you'll notice 
how darkness and moodiness become obvious, and when he or she isn't being given 
supply, you'll see how darkness and moodiness become apparent.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this." - Rudy

This is the most dangerous zone, wherein "the narcissist you know" can turn on 
you or must flee the scene in order to get much-needed supplies out in the 
world and escape the self-annihilating inner feelings of the flawed and 
exceedingly dangerous Inner Being.

Number Two: They Don't Believe They're In Charge

People must believe that narcissists are gifted, unique, and knowledgeable.

When someone with greater expertise and experience than them enters a Usenet 
group, they can suffer serious narcissistic harm. This includes EVERY single 
right-thinking Conservative.

They might try to take control and prevent the other person from speaking.

"You already squandered your reply.  You only get one." - Rudy Canoza

... or they might try to change the subject.


They will depart if this is not doable. Then, of course, deconstruct this 
person's trustworthiness.

Number 3: Are You Enjoying Yourself?

This serves as a powerful reminder to the narcissist that while he or she feels 
dead on the inside, you have the potential to access and experience his 
negative emotions.

If your happy feelings are about anything or someone other than the narcissist, 
this is a further insult to the narcissist.

He should be the center of your universe, according to the narcissist. And you 
have no right to be happy when the narcissist isn't.

He'll do everything he can to sabotage your positive feelings.

The mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy, *NOT* a three letter 
athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, NEVER* 
dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-
fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy" praised Rudy:

Number 4: You Are Prosperous

The narcissist, on the other hand, should be the one receiving all of the 
praise, honors, and attention.

If you earn any recognition, she or he is pathologically envious and jealous.

You'll very certainly be punished for depriving narcissists of something they 
desperately need to survive: valuable importance.

Number 5: Other People Are More Appealing Than They Are

Narcissists believe they are the most desirable person on the planet because of 
their false version of themselves.

Because of their horrible anxieties, they may purposely keep their lovers away 
from such a person.

Number 6: Having Constraints

Narcissists despise borders. They despise being told what to do and find it 

They prefer not to be held accountable to anyone. Being a normal person is a 
terrifying prospect for them.

Narcissists believe that they must be able to have whatever they want, whenever 
they want it... And no one has the right to tell them otherwise!

Number 7: Being Interrogated

The narcissist thinks he or she is above criticism.

You have no right to question the narcissist in any way. They believe that you 
are supposed to let them do anything they want, whenever they want, and without 

If you ask a narcissist a question, which you should, you will be faced with 
tremendous defense mechanisms, wrath, or abandonment.

A narcissist will not accept it, much less meet with you to work things out.

Number 8: Being Exposed

When you cure yourself of any fear, anxiety, or guilt from persecution and 
bring the facts to the table plainly and calmly, it makes the narcissist 
extremely uncomfortable.

This is particularly true when you are attempting to draw other people's 
attention to the topic.

Unless you let the narcissist drag you into the shadows, he can't tamper with 

A narcissist will fade as much as a vampire does when a great bright light is 
put on them once you stand true and tall and bring everything out into the 
bright light of exposure.

Number 9: You Refusing to Be Hoovered

You never give up and allow yourself to be a narcissist supply again if you 
know your value and keep it, no matter what the narcissist attempts to do - the 
narcissist will take it as a great insult.

Why aren't you succumbing to the seductions any longer?

Why do you believe you are entitled to something better or that you can survive 
without them?

All of these questions terrify and plague a narcissist, depriving them of their 
own significance.

Number ten: Ignorance

When a narcissist is neglected, he or she suffers a severe ego injury.

When you become "anti-fear" as a result of working on your Inner Self to 
eliminate emotional inner triggers, you're no longer interested in games, 
nonsense, or power struggles.

You'll separate them from their food and refuse to feed them anymore.

The narcissist runs out of gasoline without your fear, worry, and sadness to 
keep powering up and hurting you.

He or she feels helpless and resents the fact that you are no longer impacted. 
To receive a feed, the narcissist will and must take their hostility and 
manipulation to someone else.
You're Thriving, Number 11

The narcissist feels that you should have been affected for the rest of your 
life, and that you should have been thoroughly devastated and desecrated. It 
gives her or him a sense of importance!

What's so great about this group is that these ancient outcomes (personal 
irreversible damage), which were all too common for those who had been 
narcissistically abused, are now firmly in the past.

You have the ability to thrive.

You have a chance to succeed.

You might also strive to live a better life than you have in the past.

You may reclaim your health and achieve tremendous radiance and well-being, 
free of all narcissistic abuse symptoms.

You can restore your health to incredible radiation and luxury, completely free 
from all symptoms of narcissistic abuse.

This is what I do and I have the greatest happiness in helping you generate in 
your life.

You can also continue this amazing journey that I and others live every day, so 
you can know " how to help a narcissist ".

"I'm done with you because I choose me!"


Rudy's Little Man's Disease: A disease of short males marked by aggressive 
antisocial behavior and constant overcompensation resulting in pompous 
mannerisms such as spitting, twitching, swearing, speaking loudly and tough 

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this." - Rudy

The disease only affects teenagers or men who are less than 5" 6" tall.

"I'm about eight inches shorter than Trump." - Rudy

The severity of this disease is inversely proportional to the height of the 
sufferer. Other characteristics of this scourge are a very short penis, acne, 
low I.Q and bad etiquette.

Often these males are homophobic to the point of insanity because of latent 
sexual orientation issues.


"Fixed your lie, you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass." - Rudy

"'Self" is redundant, you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot. - Rudy

"I've beaten *you* to a bloody pulp, you squat-to-piss *no-fight* faggot - 
every fucking time. You're a zero, as every, stale, squat-to-piss *no-fight* 
faggot who incessantly bleats about "mommy's basement" *ALWAYS* is." - Rudy

"... you you no-fight faggot." - Rudy

"... you toothless squat-to-piss no-fight faggot" - Rudy

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes." - Rudy

"You a Squat-to-Piss Faggot." - Rudy

"The disgusting gurgling, slurping sounds below are just the faggots Hartung, 
Sanitary Napkin and Bit of Nothingness enjoying a three-way" - Rudy

"YOU lose, Nazi faggot." - Rudy

Little Man's Disease is an untreatable epidemic in this country. 

This is Rudy: https://i.imgur.com/x47K4Rh.mp4