Davin News Server

Articles 2541386 to 2541393 (2538727 to 2542373 available)

2541393 ATTN: I will no longer tolerate being called "queer"!
"kleine klauschen" <klaus.schadenfreude.faggot@xmail.com> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:02:34 GMT
2541392 Re: WHY Won't Kambala Take Questions?
AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 13:54:44 -0500
2541391 BUT... REALLY? Who knows? (Re: Israel
Loose Cannon <efberg73@gmx.com> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:50:43 +0000 (UTC)
2541390 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Archdiocese of Liverpool... really, REALLY nasty! "staff at the Christian Brothers school St Ambrose College, Altrincham, were implicated in a child sex abuse"! Courtesy of the stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Disgusted/SHEIN....") (9164)
Clement VII <Clement-7@nospamhere.atall.comm> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:46:59 +0000 (UTC)
2541389 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Diocese of Shrewsbury... NASTY! "staff at the Christian Brothers school St Ambrose College, Altrincham, were implicated in a child sex abuse"! Courtesy of the stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("SHEIN/Disgusted/...") (9164)
Clement VII <Clement-7@nospamhere.atall.comm> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:46:10 +0000 (UTC)
2541388 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! TSSHK! Paedophile priests "acted like mafia", inquiry finds; courtesy of the stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Disgusted/SHEIN...") (9164)
Clement VII <Clement-7@nospamhere.atall.comm> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:45:01 +0000 (UTC)
2541387 Excellent PAEDO PRIEST cartoon! "Stop the cover-ups"! Courtesy of the insane, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/SHPAMMER/SHEIN") (9164)
Clement VII <Clement-7@nospamhere.atall.comm> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:38:44 +0000 (UTC)
2541386 Excellent PAEDO PRIEST cartoon! "It's a disgrace...", LOMPO! Courtesy of the insane, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/SHPAMMER/SHEIN...") (9164)
Clement VII <Clement-7@nospamhere.atall.comm> - Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:37:52 +0000 (UTC)

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